My nigga Kevin standing his ground

1  2019-01-09 by RelevantField


Kevin Hart sucks

But he's short! Isn't that hilarious?!

Seriously. Kevin Hart fucking sucks.

Patrice grabbing him off the couch on Tough Crowd, and using him as a ventriloquist's dummy was pretty funny.

So no one wants to host for fear of their life being ripped apart? Cool!

What else in faggot news?

They should just hire a solid comedian. Not someone pushing an agenda. Not some PC diversity hire. Not 2 talentless actors. Hire Louis. Hire Quinn. Or fuck, hire Gervais. He's basically done it a bunch of times with the Globes. Just hire him and say do whatever you want.

But 150 blue checkmarks and their soy army will whine on twitter.

It's over Oscar,go home and get your shine.