The best way to get back at Ant is to help the Joe Cumia Show gain a following.

1  2019-01-09 by brilliantdesigns

Imagine how funny it would be if Ant had to start getting allowance from Joe.


Not as funny as we keep our money and both of them go broke.

Or have them both deported to their home country and have them recruited at suicide bombers.

A happy medium.

*Only one of them needs to go broke for both of them to go broke.

Can't do that to Ant and Dave.

This sub can't even get Opie a following. And unlike Joe he is at least a functioning adult.

what do you mean Brotherman Opie is King?

The only place you will see that said is the running bit here. It is not reflected by his podcast subscriptions, retweets, or any other independent metric.

I believe his podcast is twice as high as the jim and sam show on the itunes charts.

Well given that Jim and Sam isn't on iTunes that would be 2 x 0- which seems about right

Even worse, too embarrassed to compete with 0pie.

Hi, Joe!

The best way to get back at Ant is to help the Joe Cumia Show gain a following.

You should rethink that statement.

Easier said then done. If Opie's show is white noise, Joe's is outright offensive to the senses.

Hold the fuck on, does Joe have a “show” again?