Honestly this is the average person on here

1  2019-01-09 by unclepaul84



That shelf he keeps around his waist seems handy. Rest your extra large soda and bucket of chicken while you world of warcraft

Why are you talking in first person?

He seems above average in just about anything he does.

This is the only place I feel like 80s Mickey Rourke

This is what peak human physique looks like.

Not far off... This guy has too many pictures of friends and family around.. Many folks here are much lonelier...

He's too in shape to be posting here.

Is he resting his arms on his beefers?

One thing I'm happy about being slightly below average at for once...

Dont guys have to pull their hands off the Big Rigs wheel to post here?

The average "person" here is non-white. Egg on your face OP.