Images that blow Joe Rogan's mind

1  2019-01-09 by Single_Action_Army


Kind of blows my mind too.

that ain't fawkin real




yea :3 im a girl


How's he doing that?

jamie what we've got here is a dog taking a selfie but like a person instead of a dog while wearing people clothes

You back on twitter yet?

he always acts fucking coy about it and expects people to find it themselves

just post the twitter handle, cbanks

“So I heard that in China, they’re actually training dogs with DMT to function as walking, human like soldiers. Yeah Jamie, pull that up. Apparently the ancient Egyptians came up with the idea, and aliens carried it with them along the Silk Road.”

The degrees of separation this is from something Rogan would genuinely say and believe wholeheartedly are frighteningly small .

"You know Carlos isn't even his real name right?"

I question whether or not he obtained that phone legally

Daz a good pupperz


Aww u no liek da good pupperz?!

Still better calves that the original.

Jaime is the dog taller than me ?

well its over 4ft tall so yes. by two ears.


just like a little rory calhoun

wtf how

Why is that dog imitating Al Sharpton?

How dare you, sir? What an insult to that fine looking animal. That’s a vizsla, a dog of fine Hungarian stock. It ain’t some mangy coon hound.