Libs/heebs/fags ruint Compound Media My entertainment dollar’s are going to The Daily Shoah is where it’s at.

1  2019-01-08 by Ranger_Drumpf


Friendship ended with Anthony Cumia. Now Mike Enoch is my best friend.

He's the guy married to the Jewish diversity consultant, right?

Not even White Nationalists can resist the siren's song of the Khazar Milkers.

I miss soundboard Fez.

I like Mike Enoch but he has beady little jew eyes so he's not completely above suspicion.

This is true. There are ugly gentiles too though. They’re called Slavs and meds

Have you seen the cat that looks like him?


You aren't off the hook from ridicule for subscribing in the first place and for so long.

Just a year. Got drawn in by the Deondre Harambe Jenkins, didn’t realize it was a Jew dwarf underneath on puke sound effect crutches.

Weird phrasing. The first sentence sounds like you were punished or "sent to obscurity". Great marketing to smooth things over and win their money back, CP Media.

Yes and no mention of having better content.

When I cancelled about a year into the show, which was about 9 months after I lost interest and stopped listening, meaning I gave that idiot months worth of free money. Anyways, I got an email from Keith asking for feedback as to why I cancelled. I sent a lengthy email addressing why I tuned out, namely all the race talk and stupid partisan politics. It was a respectful email outlining the parts of the show I liked, and things I thought were better idea to focus on, you know, for a comedy show.

No response.

Did you give them a reason for cancelling?

Friendly reminder that Mike Enoch is a Mo_ad disinformation and destabilization agent

You’ll probably be charged for another year before they figure out to how to really cancel your subscription.

This just bought them some time.

When I cancelled about a year into the show, which was about 9 months after I lost interest and stopped listening, meaning I gave that idiot months worth of free money. Anyways, I got an email from Keith asking for feedback as to why I cancelled. I sent a lengthy email addressing why I tuned out, namely all the race talk and stupid partisan politics. It was a respectful email outlining the parts of the show I liked, and things I thought were better idea to focus on, you know, for a comedy show.

No response.

Did you give them a reason for cancelling?