I don’t care about twitter so I have two twitters.

1  2019-01-08 by RBuddCumia


I hate that man

Easy with the man thing

This brainless dolt can't comprehend that trolls enjoy wasting HIS time. His stupidity really is fun.

Exactly this fucking idiot doesn’t understand that trolls love doing it and love it even more when he acknowledges them

I’m sure it took 5 seconds to search “nigger” on his profile

And an hour and a half for all the results to load.

I don’t think Joe will ever fully comprehend how much of a fucking idiot he is, he’s too low IQ

He's definitely in the 80-90 range. Maybe even mid to upper 70's as a high functioning dullard.

Anyone below 85 is pretty noticeably stupid. As in you’d recognise it from almost everything they do and say.

Based on that Joe is definitely below 85.

"I've been banned again. I implore all of my followers to quit social media."

2 days later - "I'm back. Social media is the best again."

You go to Google, you search "@JosephCumia" + your choice of no-no word, you click report on any hits you get. Total time: 3 minutes, plus chuckling.

Meanwhile Joe finds out he's suspended, gets angry, rants to whoever is around, has to find his reading glasses to figure out what's going on, navigate and pass whatever re-education and self-criticism process Twitter want, before finally being allowed back on.

Meanwhile, Twitter have just added a couple more "upheld strikes" to his account, and he's that much closer to being barred from the platform.

Yep, you're a winner, Joe.

AHHH Slow Joe.... You are also probably the type that yells at the kids to get off your postage stamp of a lawn...

Yet he loves "free speech".

Hurhur i went back and edited myself so you guys lose...

If this sub decided to completely ignore Joe and refrain from goofing on or fucking with him he'd unravel within a day or two and start deliberately trying to get the sub's attention, as he secretly LOVES it.

Joe is such a fucking retard that he actually thinks someone scrolled through 8 years of tweets. He doesn't understand that you can just search for certain words and it takes about 2 seconds.

Joe wins again