17 seconds after Jimmy heard the rumor that Anthony was going to get fired for his racist Twitter tirade.

1  2019-01-08 by GorramTimebomb


Who's more duplicitous, Worm Norton or Andy Richter?

Norton all the way.

REMINDER: this literal tranny fucker would text ant in between shows about how he hates opie (like a bitch would)

"i'll still pose for a picture, no one would know me otherwise"

proper faggot this cunt

And also Opie is still making the effort to put his arm around Anthony for the photo like a normal person and he can't even muster enough humanity to stand within 3 feet of Opie. Fucking damaged creep.

opie's biggest "offence" was that he was a bit stupid and not really funny, but he still made o&a what it was, as gay as it sounds he legit did steer the ship

listen to "nopie" shows and they're mostly shit, on structure

Yea the Nopie shows suck. I have no idea why but they’re at their best when all 3 are working together. They’re complete shit when on their own.

i reckon because as shit as opie is on air

he knew when to change subjects and shit, it seemed obnoxious at times but it had to be done

i tried listening to a few nopie shows and it's just shit, no structure or anything

Nopie shows are full of Jim and Ant trying to be cute to each other, it's gross and boring.

Because left to their own devices, the two queens are a total bore.

Anthony only wants to blather on about FBI stats and NASA control room demographics.

And Jimmy just wants to discuss his perversions and look at men dressed as women on his phone.

Its fitting the show's "straight" man turned out to be the only real straight man of the 3.

I like some of the Nopie shows but some of them are so gay. Jim and Ant alone together can't make it 10 minutes before talking about masturbation techniques and porn habits.

The nopie shows with good comics on were hilarious, especially when ant would shit on the callers. Fucking christ you faggots are fickle.

i fucking doubt that, maybe a few but overall the nopie shows are complete shit

i mind hearing cq in two of them and i had to skip them, it was boring to listen to, nothing was being said. reminds me of the chip podcast, just drivel for an hour and a half

Also, Norton doesn't get enough shit for his gaslighting. Jim called Opie paranoid and crazy for thinking Worm & Nana were shitting on him together behind his back. Not only did Jim eventually say that was exactly what they'd been doing but that it started much earlier than Opie had probably thought. He admitted this after Opie was of no use to him anymore as is his way.

lol proper high school girl shit, embarrassing for both ant and the worm

Jesus Christ that's the first time I noticed all the dents in the top of Nortons head. His Dad must have a monumental sized sheleighleigh and have really been tearing Mother Norton up during the third trimester.

Nice shillelagh stupid

"As soon as he heard Ant was fired [Jim] called me and said 'OMG, we have to keep going, Ant would keep going if we got fired.'"

Gregg Hughes, Opie Radio Podcast, December 2017

Nice monster claw hand, stupid.

And also Opie is still making the effort to put his arm around Anthony for the photo like a normal person and he can't even muster enough humanity to stand within 3 feet of Opie. Fucking damaged creep.

Also, Norton doesn't get enough shit for his gaslighting. Jim called Opie paranoid and crazy for thinking Worm & Nana were shitting on him together behind his back. Not only did Jim eventually say that was exactly what they'd been doing but that it started much earlier than Opie had probably thought. He admitted this after Opie was of no use to him anymore as is his way.