Anal Cunt being Anal Cunt (not too many bands left with balls like this):

1  2019-01-08 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Didn't 2 of the members die?

Yeah one died like in 2012 and one last year.

Seth and Joe

Yeah, the guitarist died in the funniest Anal Cunt way: Fell off an escalator

What did you think of Head Cage?

don't you mean Pig Destroyer?

I meant that album specifically since its new and rather different from their others

I actually haven't heard it yet. People seem to like it, though.

I've been listening to these fuckers lately. Singer comes on stage with a bloody head of a woman, in a black rubber fetish mask, and a big old Rambo knife. Their graphic design and motif is sick, too:

Thanks for the tip man. These fellas are fuckin nails.

I'm waiting for someone to whinge about the bloody female mannequin head that he comes out with.

This type of shit flies completely under the (((radar))). For one thing, there's nothing to be gained by throwing heavy metal bar bands to the PC wolves, and those bigots are nothing if not supremely self interested. Also college feminists love these type of shows, best opprotunity to punish daddy by letting me punish their rectums.

Yeah, it has nothing to do with the fact that nobody cares about these bands other than white guys in their 30s with ponytails.

Nice reiterating my point stupid

Feminists and their fascinations with bands like these will always amaze me. GG Allin fits the entire archetype of toxic masculinity, yet they can't get enough of him. Even when he beats his girlfriends in his downtime offstage

It's nice to know that they're adaptable enough to reach a new batch of contemporary metal fans, and they deserve to get paid. Some of us are waiting for Prowler II knowing that it will never happen.

You make excellent points. I still believe they can pull out another Prowler before they pack it in.

Kinda like watching a few Bobo’s play Anthony’s basement parties. I guess you could say that’s balls

Anal cunt having technical difficulties?

Just fags from Dropdead starting shit.

Anal cunt troubleshoots like a Mf tho

They're not left either. This video is over 18 years old.

Does anybody actually listen to Anal Cunt, or do they just read the tracklists and giggle at the song titles while drunk/high?

True story: they used to list an address in their liner notes where you could send in $15 to get the lyrics. I did this when I was like 13 and never got anything back. A year later I read an interview with their singer where he called their fans being stupid faggots for believing that, and bragged how he'd spend all the lyric money on drugs. It was a magical time to be a young person.

MF Doom does shit kinda like that, sends imposters to his live shows so he doesn't have to perform then brags about it in his lyrics

Oh my goodness, these young men are most vulgar.

I had a big retarded galoot friend who also knew Seth Putnam who stopped thinking I was cool when he asked Seth if he liked my band and Seth said he didn't know who we were.

This is my best brush-with-fame story.

I tangentially had a brush with him too. I used to live in a house for like 6 months with his widow after he died. She was a fucking headcase junkie. I also once toured with Larry Lifeless from Upside Down Cross/Kilslug. I lived in another house with his daughter too.

Almost as sad as being an adult still into punk rock.

don't you mean Pig Destroyer?

I meant that album specifically since its new and rather different from their others

It's nice to know that they're adaptable enough to reach a new batch of contemporary metal fans, and they deserve to get paid. Some of us are waiting for Prowler II knowing that it will never happen.