Nick defends his FRIEND Louis CK. Where is Jimmy at?

1  2019-01-08 by RelevantField


Milquetoast from Milquetoast And Mild in the morning isn't exactly the loyal type. He's also probably harbouring some queer resentment over this perceived slight or that with Louie who, in his mind, hasn't helped his career he actually really motherfucked him that one time. Like that time he unfollowed everyone on twitter.

Hes actually fiercely loyal he'll have you know

Yeah, he’d push his own mother down an elevator shaft if Dice asked him to. Ah, loyalty.

That’s why Dice is always on his radio show. He just can’t stop helping and thanking the people who gifted him a career.

Didn't Jim say he sees both sides of the argument? When he dies only then will I know true peace.

He said he could understand why Parkland victims or their parents would have a reaction but for the public at large to act shocked is crazy. What a worm.

Oh, I didn't listen to it obviously.

What is wrong with this take?

Nothing at all.

He’s a faggot.

When do you think the last time Jim called Louie?

I bet he didnt even do it the week the allegations, ya know, to see how his "friend" is holding up with all the bad news.

Fuck jim

How could he, Jim was so busy with his 3 hour job and Viking trannies keeping him up all night

U know.. I was gonna call him but then I thought he was so busy with all this going on.

Then I saw his apology and he was fine, if he needed anything from me he would have called. But I was with his number dialed in ready to go on my phone, genuinely.

Nick is a massive faggot. Stop worshipping him. 4444444444

Nick was a good enough actor to appear in multiple Louie episodes and Horace and Pete, Jim was in Louies failed proto-series and as a cameo in the successful one, then never used again. I'm sure Jim must have felt motherfucked by this, rather than working on his acting skills.

well that just speaks to Kim Norton's forgetability then. Nick was in like entire episodes though, Jim was just a face at the poker table

Don’t forget his incredible work saying “Yuck” at the fat girl in the fat girl episode.

Nick was also in The Sopranos so he gets a pass on anything for life.

Every Italian with a SAG card was on the Sopranos.

i didnt know he was in the sopranos. i just tried googling it and didnt see. was he like a background character or something?

At about 1m 5secs.

oh ya i remember that now. how could i forget such a role?

Pretty much universally considered the worst episode of the series.

on imbd the lowest rated sopranos episode is that one where tony hit the wall next to carmelas head during the divorce, because a group of feminists reviewed it poorly.

Who do they think they are, r/O&A?!

Nick has actual ability, decent looks, and a work ethic. The worm had none of these. He would get cut from a high school play.


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"Jim looks like he challenged the day, and was defeated" Colin on yesterdays show.

I love Nick.

Cis faggot.

How much you want to bet that Jim got turned down by most of these women, yet they agreed to watch Louie jerk off into his own mouth.

I'd love to throw a couple drinks in Nick and then ask him what he really thinks about Norton.

He'll only defend him under the right circumstances.

what a dumb obvious comment... its not like we expect nick to defend him if louie comes out as a pedophile or something


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Nothing at all.

He’s a faggot.