Where we at with Rashida Talib?

1  2019-01-08 by RelevantField


I'm at the place where I wish both these Semitic outsiders would get the fuck out and leave us out of their ridiculous squabbles. Go live in your God forsaken desert and leave us alone.


Stop posting this hack political shit here you fucking retard

There is some shame in you wanting to lick her yuuuge, smelly, K-Mart bra with the fully worn-out elastic while she ululates, OP.

But you don't need our permission to defile yourself.

I hate her because she's a Muslim but like her because she hates Jews and is a woman. So I guess hate wins 2-1

She's awful, but she's one of about ten people that doesn't suckle Israel's ballbag 24/7/365. Its Rand Paul and 4 Muslims talking sense on MENA and 533 other people kowtowing to Israel.