Smiles more genuine than Jim Norton's 851212/6000000

1  2019-01-08 by T-Earl-Grey-Hot


Nice job dad. Those balloons aren't the only thing that's going to be dangling from the ceiling.

In all honesty there’d be some dignity in that although I’d suggest blowing his brains out onto their wedding photos. That’s just an old classic in my book.

But either of the two would be preferable to his current existence.

What the fuck is this?


Attention seeking


Pre suicide ritual

Here we see the ButchCuck in its natural habitat

Remember, there was a time wypipo really wuz vikings and ubermensch n sheeit. Thanks, Jews.

Stop capitalizing it. You lose the verbal battle before the intellectual one begins.

Good looking out, my dude. I've since edited my post.

We're all in this together my friend.

How has the father not killed himself yet.

You can tell the whole story from everyone's body language.

Yep. Straight to Mum. Dad with the weak high five. This is how mother's can be monsters BTW. They love this shit. They're proud of their new 'daughter' for 'being themselves' and they'll divorce a Dad if he tries to 'corrrrect' the child.

Sort of his fault for wifing this bitch up and having the spine of a cephalopod.

I remember this awful Law and Order episode where that was the plot. The parents divorce over the Dad not wanting to cut his 10 year old son's dick off and is later accused of rape/murder. spoilers He didn't do it, but he had to learn a lesson from the Mom and the police to accept his new dickless daughter and stop being a bigot.

I'm sure cutting off dicks is still illegal under the age of 18, r-right?

It wasn't physically cutting off the dick, it was the kid going on hormones that would shrivel the dick or something and stop the kid from going through puberty. I think they had a "race against the clock" element where they had to find the killer before the kid went through puberty which would render the hormones they wanted worthless.

I think they had a "race against the clock" element where they had to find the killer before the kid went through puberty which would render the hormones they wanted worthless.

LOL this can't be real can it? I have to see this.

The Chosen Ones are really amping up their game lately. I bet the kid was also white.

I've seen that one. The Dad got his nuts ruptured with a tire iron by some guidance counselor tranny if memory serves.

Because symbolism, or whatever.

was he portrayed as the victim? or did it not matter because the root message was to submit anyway and that there's nothing wrong with submitting

Also notice how the guy starts walking and crouching behind the box again, these faggots did multiple takes of this.

"we did 20 takes and THAT was the best one"

I really hope the dad goes to work and just gets brutalized daily by actual men.

HR wouldn’t like that

I dunno about the dad but his wife certainly does.

The son too

I'm sure while that dad was making that stupid ass box out in the garage, he was wishing he was working on a car or woodworking with his son.

You need a garage to cut one side of a cardboard box open?

come down from your ivory tower

You got me. My sarcastic statement wasn't grounded enough in reality. The tranny and the mom probably did it.

Can we get an NSFW tag where we fucking need one for a change?

Don't look at this sub at work or use your phone like a rational person would you faggot.

What do you do for a living, character?

Whatever it is I do I'm not stupid enough to browse non-work shit on a work computer.

Thanks for stepping all over the bit, you dense fuck. Nobody outside of the middle east would get in trouble for viewing this at work.

The joke is that a) it's 'offensive content' to cretins like me, and b) the sub was auto-flagging every post as NSFW for a short time.

Thanks for stepping all over the bit, you dense fuck. Nobody outside of the middle east would get in trouble for viewing this at work.

Oof you must be unemployed.

I just saw your other posts. I guess I'm the one stepping on your bit after all. Bravo.

Did ya?

What happened to white people? We took over the planet and now we so this.

We were kings.

We got soft and allowed the jews to have too much influence

We got too fat and happy and had to find fake problems


This is like The Happening or Bird Box or other similarly shitty movies. Something is making white people self-destruct.

It's the end of western civilization

Put it back In the box.

To any parents out there : How would you react if your first son told you he intended to switch genders ?

I would say: "Do what you want with your body after you're 18, but whatever you do you'll always be my son."

Seems like a fair position.

As Stinks injects yet another heroin shot into his bloodstream.

I only have girls but, hypothetically, I would probably pull out a knife and stab that little nigger to death.

You and me both brotherman.

Holy fucking shit, that's a dude? What kind of brain damage causes this kind of thing?

It's shit like this that makes you think maybe we should all just stay home and read the bible.

Look at the father's clinched fist....poor bastard.

This is really off the fucking rails.

The wife wanted a girl so bad - and over years, she made this kid believe he was s girl & thanks to a weak-spined father, the mental illness has manifested into this fiasco.

A gender reveal - posted online for everyonr to see - of their teenaged son in a dress & makeup.

tha fuck is this?

Mental illness in animated gif form.


Look at the father- poor bastard. Wife takes his balls away 10 years agio...

And before he knows it - his son climbs out of a giant gift box - in a dress, heels & make-up to reveal to his new live life as a woman.

I like how they're high-fiving that the wife shat out a mentally ill mutant.

I want to kill trannies but they keep doing it themselves! Talk about frustrating.

Detective Mills had a happier box reveal than this shitty father.

Do you think guys likes running in to an old friend when they ask how his son is?

Dad has Steve C. capri pants. Lil' mug never stood a chance.

The suicide rate among trannies is pretty high. So they have that going for them.

Is that Hbomberguy?

We're all in this together my friend.