How is this mother fucker delusional enough to think he’s white?

1  2019-01-07 by RBuddCumia


The carpet is lighter skinned

Irishman Nogs McGillicutty

Joe, you don't need dessert, buddy.

Nice black hoody and tshirt in a restaurant, stupid. This isn't applebees you faggot.

Sweatpants and hoodies are the vast majority of my casual wear but that really is disgusting. How hard is it to throw on even just like a collared shirt, non-ripped jeans and a pair of loafers for that place? It's not like it's 3 Michelin stars or anything but he can't possibly go to anywhere with cloth napkins AND a wine list more than once a week; does he really have to go another 2 hours without dressing his age???

Of course Joe is eating from another man's plate.

They don't serve hotdogs here and deytookduh bleachers out 2 years ago

Nice no-carbs keto diet, stupid.

I hate faggots who share dessert.

I love telling people who im out to dinner with to suck my dick when they want to share a dessert.

Have a slice of cake, you'll live.

Nice dinner courtesy of Anthony Cumia.

The masculinity just jumps off the page.