Holy shit, /u/sams_seed, comment?

1  2019-01-07 by TonyFromLongIsland


Ima femcel now

I feel like you could really coach these bitches into shape. A real heartwarming Nora Ephron kinda flick.

how sams_seed got her groove back

Infiltrate them, gain their trust, use them for the sub's entertainment.

They love a good rape victim over there.

More females trying to ruin a great thing. God damn they are a cancer.

This is somehow worse than incels. I actually don’t wanna live on this earth anymore

Try the moon then, although I hear it's pretty cold

What's the deeeeeal with atmospheres?

Why don't they and incels just fuck it out?

Because these unlovable cunts refuse to lower their standards and believe they are entitled to an 8+

Literally the only thing I had to say about this thread. "Why can't I get a boyfriend?" "I'll be your boyfriend." "Yeah, not you."

I take it back. Women ARE funny. That was the funniest shit I ever read.


A sub for ugly cunts, I'm glad they finally have a place to congregate.

Love the science on there that points to us fellas getting better looking women than we probably deserve.

compared to our looks? thats absolutely true, but that's because we are more interesting so ugly guys definitely have an advantage over ugly gals. On the flipside women have more options to up their looks 'artificially' and developing an interesting personality takes work.

Wow this site is full of faggots. Cunts.


I am just stopping by to wish you well!


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