
1  2019-01-07 by apimpnameslim


13 year old, you say? Fucking based. What's Poland like maybe I can seek asylum there too? I've got some big plans.

Rapity rapers,just rape rappin.

These men are behind the spread of pink eye in children.

Louie in the back with the camera, doing research for his greatest performance.

I wonder if those two have anything else in common, apart from being old pedophiles who have acted in and directed movies??

Raped fewer children than the Cumias

He got caught fucking his wife's daughter. Instead of doing the sensible thing and cutting her loose when she brought the heat, he decided to marry her in an attempt to validate the relationship and show the world that it was about true love, not just creepy sex. Now he's stuck with a dead-eyed, doughy gook who he's incompatible with.