Blossom is like a Jew dipped in Jew sauce on Meth.

1  2019-01-07 by literalotherkin


Insert Bill Hicks Hitler quote.

Don't get it.

Holy fuck I've never seen that. He gets applause for the 'Underachiever line' as well.

Urgh. Could this sheeny be any grosser. Her kids must be miserable.

Sheeny is an underused slur.

God damn rich cunt.

"Uphold the fallen and heal the sick" - you ain't Jesus, dude.

She's also an Orthodox Jew apparently they have their own Jew only police and ambulances -- the Crown Height riots if I'm not mistaken started after one of their non-Goy ambulances arrived at a scene, picked up the Jew, then left a black kid to die. Uphold the fallen and heal the sick, just not the goy.

"Your job is to uphold the fallen and heal the sick. That's why i did 10 seasons of Big Bang Theory."

I have heaps of problems with Jews but yeah I'll take anyone over a self-righteous moralizer.

Tell us all of your problems with Jews. Go!


One of these allegedly brilliant celebrities who have a hard-sounding degree, and yet instead of doing something they supposedly love enough to study for years, they'd rather get pampered and party. I wouldn't trust the lead singer of Offspring to calculate a tip.

dexter did an actual hard science though, so ill give him credit. everyone else with an advanced degree (for the most part) seems to have believed their honorary degrees were legitimate, whereas an advanced liberal arts/humanities degree may as well be an honorary.