comments still hold up

1  2019-01-07 by ImABigcunt69


9 years ago

He’s been a useless sack of shit for probably 20 years or more

how is THIS version of Artie somehow less horrible looking than current Artie??

Comparatively speaking present day Artie makes this Artie look like Vitruvian Man

Imagine looking worse than this. Hello 2019

I guess they already covered those 6 months where he toiled away on the docks long enough to feel comfortable bragging about it for the rest of his life.

Which lasted longer, Jim Norton's alcoholism or Artie's blue collar background?

Roughest two weeks of their lives, man.

He wishes he still looked like Pete Griffin.

this appears to be the peak of his bloated-ness.


He looked downright cute compared to now.

Ha, joke's on all of you! Everyone claimed that Artie would be dead by now and actually he is still barely alive. You all look soooo stupid right now.

Look at that intact septum!

jesus, he looks like shit right here

Little did this commenter know that this version of Artie is Brad Cooper compared to what we have today.

I have reason to believe this is Bobby Moynihan cosplaying as Artie