Daniel Craig volunteer work for Make A Wish

1  2019-01-06 by any1ne


I like how he took him back to "the compound" where he assumed an international movie star would be impressed with his finished basement...

Notice he has never been back since.

I guess he wasn't impressed with the karaoke station?

Craig or his agent asked him to take down the pic after Ant posted it. which is pretty funny

They asked him in the first place not to post any photos or videos. Ant blew his chance ever to see Daniel Craig again just so his retarded diabetic ballwashers would be impressed

Tbh though I was impressed Daniel Craig hung out with him, or more thought less of him in general. Maybe both

Calling his crummy lottery winner playbox a compound is so idiotic. The word implies multiple buildings, preferably behind a wall topped with razor wire.

Bond visits a dying Ali Kerim Bey

nana is from NYC but somehow he manages to look like a hick

He’s from the hick part of Long Island, not NYC.

Long Island trailer-trash

So he's not from the city of Manhattan?

When you put him side by side with an actual functioning adult male, Anthony suddenly resembles a Dollar Store knock off brand version.

(Spitting on the floor of the) Casino Royale

The Man With the Confiscated Gun.

There's no way Anthony doesn't look at this and cry inside. He went from hanging out with James Bond and making easy millions to this broken little shell of a man.

I'm sure calling that hooker an animal, not people etc. was all worth it though, eh Ant? Now you have your freedom. No bosses, no management, your show!

I'm sorry that his comments....ahhhhhhhhfended you

I'd almost feel bad for him if he wasn't a genuinely horrible person.

I was enjoying guessing which photo you were gonna link of Ant to demonstrate him as a broken loser

Daniel Craig is 5'10" according to movies, which puts him probably at 5'8" or less, Ant midget confirmed

5' 8" is a midget? Are you 5'9" and projecting?

Read it again doofus

If Craig is really 5'8" and Ant is noticably shorter, he is a midget

You call me stupid but you think dogs go to space. Ok buddy LOL

I'd never felt sorry for a movie star before this.

I don't understood how this actually happened. Was he ever even on O&A?

He was.

Danny said Craig and his team asked Anthony to keep this photo private. Anthony immediately instead posted it online Craig and his team were pissed and called Anthony telling him to take it down which he our course he still kept it up and talked about it on the radio. Craig never associated himself with Anthony ever again. So worth it.

I really thought Ant was Danny for a second.

Make a wish? Please shoot Anthony, Mr. Craig.

Side note, I just went back and watched Casino Royale for the first time in a couple years? Fuck is that movie good. Shit holds up. He's a great goddamn Bond.