Jobless fatso brags about making "big $", lives in a townhouse on Long Island with the preacher from Poltergeist II

1  2019-01-06 by crookedmile


This is going to end badly for him.

Was it ever going well for him?

He's also going to continue sucking cock at the Big Apple Ranch. Because he's a faggot.

Except Joe would say it as:

I'll continue "sucking cock" at the Big Apple Ranch. Because I'm a "faggot". #ItsAJoke (Winking Emoji)


“I win”

This is like the BoboTranslator guy on Twitter. I like it.

He's laughing it off? Nice 4th grade anti-bullying tactics, stupid.

I'm beginning to think the subreddit is the only thing that makes him happy. Does anyone else who gets made fun of here actually acknowledge and even quote the sub? This place makes him feel like he's not the sack of shit failure nobody that he is, he'd rather be hated than ignored. I mean #onasubreddit? How desperate can you be to keep the flame lit?

He needs a place to act like the tough guy he thinks he is.

I’m new to the opie and Anthony show and Reddit. Anthony’s brother seems like the biggest low IQ embarrassment ever. Surprised anthony hasn’t told him to just stay off social media for a number of reasons.

That would require Anthony to have a spine.

They both can't handle the Internet

I like Anthony’s accurately racist points of view so far. This Norton character is the worst.

Ants racism is rooted in insecurity.

There is nothing wrong with the points of view that nana has, we can all agree about that. It’s just that he never shuts the fuck up about it. The cumias are fucking niggers

crime statistics lose their impact when they're quoted by a Tunisian child grooming terrorist suspect

Joe blocked me on twitter because I said "you and your brother have continually demonstrated a lack of ability to navigate social media intelligently"

No swear words or personal attacks. Joe is a millennial snowflake

Eat shit

He’s bad at this

Pathetic how this loser craves attention so badly that he loves this sub, thinking he’s the star of his own show.

Oh Joe... first you leech money off your brother and now you leech attention. What a sad life with that ugly bitch he lives with.


So...he's actively watching this subreddit at 2am on a Saturday, correct?

Yeah. And he dropped inside joke of 'Panera Bread' and mentioned his "U2 cosplay". I think he's on here as much as anyone else. What the fuck else does he have to do anyway?

He is that dude that is trying the Opie feces bit

Come to think of it he was probably the guy posting all the gay porn yesterday...

He comes here to have something to be angry about. They both seek out a reason to be outraged about for the day. So they can try to talk like the goons in their favorite movies. We all know he cant sit down or get up without that old man groan of exhaustion. Im sure his exercise free diet is going well.

He sure did show us!

Labored?? Motherfucker. Your "job" is what I do for fun when I get home from doing actual laborious work.

"Shitty U2 cover band" = redundant.

I make big money I drive big cars Everybody know me It's like I'm a movie star At the Big Apple Ranch

Willie D would never tolerate a fag like Joe.

True. And that's saying a lot considering he tolerated working with a midget that shot himself in the face.

Or is it my brother who loaned me five thousand dollars

Thought he had 'caine, but it was Gold Medal FLOUR

The bottom line is RoeH was such a failure as a mother on so many different levels.

Sucked a mean cock though

When does this start becoming sad?


Cool. 😎

I thought surely this tweet wasn't real and he couldn't even get dumber but both God and Joe work in mysterious ways

It's genuinely baffling how stupid this man is.

Genuinely? Do you always mimic lil Jimmy's phrase... etc.

"I'll never talk about THAT PLACE again" #REDDIT #CHILDSPIT

“Online Terrorists”

Oh my god SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!! NO ONE FUCKING CARES ABOUT YOU!!!!! Can you fucking imagine being a "functioning" adult and constantly referencing & even directly interacting with some fucking message board that calls out your shittiness? Like all the fucking time? For fuck sake he felt the need to go on People's Court to dispute 1 single contract for the "big $" he evidently makes. Fuck this fucking wannabe biker I hope he gets his head caved in with a tire iron.

We do care about Joe

Imagine him bullying his girlfriend to like his tweets.

All he's doing is proving how obsessed he is with this sub and what an effect it has on his life.

There's no footjobs at Panera Bread. Trust me. I wish there were.

What happened to #starvenana?

He didn't mention driving in his little Gucci fag car

Making fun of hard working people with REAL jobs. Salt of the earth Joe.

Didn't he go abroad once?



I'm a GM for one of the biggest plastic bag conventions in the world, fuck off Joe.

How on earth does he find that funny?


It’s all right, it’s all right, it’s all right / he fails in mysterious ways...

*predictable guinea cunt ways.

He makes big $ but his brother has to give him an allowance for what, 20 years now?

This asshole is so dumb he can't even realize his "big $" came from the Opster.

If it wasn't for O&A your faggy little brother would still be knocking tin and running from debt collectors, meaning no "big $" for you.

Isn't Long Island expensive to live on anyways?

Not knocking Condo's, but how much is he paying a month? Stop acting like your a class act Joe. You play shopping malls in Yonkers.

He lives in a shitty development in the shitty part of Port Jefferson. Actually Port Jefferson Station near a big road. Just some crappy suburb

This is exactly why he keeps that ghoul Carol around

Does Compound Media offer any type of Medical/Dental benefits? I wonder if he is a "no show" type of thing with them.

He talks about reddit a lot. I wonder why.

No effect on their lives.

I make $35000 a year. Not great but enough for me. I have no debt and have been self reliant since 20.

I don't think Joe has ever held a job for any length of time. When he did it was menial Labour. He doesn't make money from his cover bands, he relies on hand outs from his younger brother and justifies it as investments in his "company" brother Joe Entertainment.

If it wasn't for Ant he would be living in a trailer on welfare. That is a fact.

Hilarious that he thinks anybody would buy the idea that his shitty cover band makes big money anywhere, let alone plays all over the world.

Joe feeds you

"All over the world" and "big money" apparently have #very# different meanings in his life than the rest of the English speaking population.

For a Long Island or Jersey guinea (same thing, trash) he’s a fucking man of the world.

Remember, "No effect on their lives".


He thinks Epcot center is considered all over the world. This dumb mother fucker is a gold mine

Hi, Joe. Hope all is well on your end.

We do care about Joe

Imagine him bullying his girlfriend to like his tweets.