Mods: Delete Posts with Jill Nicolini Nudes. Allow Posts of Men Fucking Each Other.

1  2019-01-06 by rawdio


Now we’re talkin

They deleted that? What a bunch of fairies.

They were exquisite. Especially the oily shits.

Reddit is on a vendetta to take down any sub that doesn’t follow the man-tit, Nintendo Switch agenda. The fact that this reddit still stands is actually amazing. I don’t blame the mods for being quick to delete incriminating shit, including the leaked nudes of a local weather-woman.

Stfu when it’s over it’s over. Everything goes here faggot.

It isn’t over here though. We survived because our mods are smarter than the ones at the MDE subreddit. Do you we really need to skate US law in order to make fun of Jim Norton and Anthony (cause leaked nudes are unfortunately crossing some boundaries).

“Do we need really need to skate US law in order to make fun of Jim Norton and Anthony?”

Should be added to the sidebar.

MDE got banned for posting a pic of Serena Williams photoshopped to look like an orc. "Our mods" (a registered democrat and a PoC anti-Drumpfer) are enacting their own personal politics in their modding which happen to align with the reddit admins and faggot report-squad.

a registered democrat and a PoC anti-Drumpfer

I'm curious to know which of these you think I am.

are enacting their own personal politics

Nice projection, stupid.

Leaked nudes of a local leaky woman

The fact that this reddit still stands is actually amazing.

don't think for a moment that r/againsthatesubreddits and r/chapotraphouse (subs who have discord chats where they organize group report ban campaigns) haven't noticed the aiding and abetting of Cumia deplatforming and social media shaming that's taken place here. For the past 6 months the sub has literally been doing their work for them. They've noticed it, talked about it, and are glad it's happening. There's some credit built up on that and we're coasting on it whether you realize it or not.

You are probably one of them.

not an argument

i love you, best user on reddit and when we're all forced to go to voat its nice to know that you have the most upgoats on there.

Their ban campaigns don't do shit when mods aren't allowing rule breaking content. The trick is knowing the rules, and the unwritten rules as they change over time. Look how many posts AHS has made against my sub: , they haven't managed to even get a warning against us from the admins because we enforce reddit rules.

Don't shit all over the mods here when they make a strategic decision about how to keep the sub safe, they're pretty good for allowing a lot of shit that most subreddits wouldn't allow.

No offense but when I saw your topic was "MetaCanada" I stopped reading the link and your post.

Ok good response, stupid

It's cute you think ShareBlue plays by the rules. Second they feel this sub gets too uppity, it's gone.


Keep harassing Cumia, because it's probably the only thing keeping this sub afloat.

It makes sense because we all love r/againsthatesubreddits and r/chapotraphouse around here. Make yourselves at home fellas

So so so so so so what you're saying is the mods are huge fags?

I want to take them out for a coffee

No, you said that last part like a smart human being.

It’s: I want to take them out for a *Starbucks**

Talk about stuff

Maybe get fisted by you ;-)

Fuckin butts and bustin nuts.

Shit. Never saw what all the fuss was about til I saw her baked. She has a great body. Would let her squirt slimy yellow adipose tissue into my mouth.

you’re a good egg

Nice ass, stupid

Looks like a dirty girl too. Look at the room


She stinks and I don't like her.

Full-spread pussy shots, I love a girl who's a goer with sexts. Those aren't my favorite pictures but it means she's a sloppy whore which is great.

Too bad Anthony was in that. I can't fully enjoy these with that knowledge.

adipose tissue

Nice pre-med, stupid

I'm all for unbridled autistic hatred and doing shit like calling landos wife a fat cow, but posting her leaked nudes when she hasn't publicly said any kikey sjw faggotry or anything I thought it was over the almost non existent line.


Also shit like that is just a good way to get this sub, which is somehow still up, shut down. And as gay as it sounds this is the only place on basically the only source of consistent laughs for me.

Jack and Jill went up the hill AGOOOOSH!

Jill came down with two fifty, OOOOOH!

The mods will allow you to dox each other, brigading, and harass single members in a post.... but no Jill nudes. Fuck that


Since everyone else wants to be a pussy u/SpaceEdge u/BigGreenYamo u/TheToolMan

Comment, faggots?

Sure. I was at work. When I got home, the gay posts were deleted. Right about the time this thread was posted.

The Jill thread is still there.

It was deleted by the OP.

Fag mods

To be fair, I see the mods' perspective. After all, Jill Nicolini's PR team are regular browsers of this sub so they obviously had reason to take the nudes down.

il never understand the love for fake tits , they just look silly

Nothing sexy about them, just comical

It's not like I was planning on looking at them again.

Who takes pictures of their swollen, cum-battered pussy? Surely not someone who's taking the pictures for a current boyfriend.. perplexing.


I’d rather see that than pics of that dried up guinea cunt.