u/iwhoreschortschorts Can’t get enough bukake all over his whore face! Lol

1  2019-01-05 by AnthonyCummier


An the 6th man is taking the pic ... fabulous! Whatever, who give a fuck anymore if a man sucks a dick or woman licks a clit?

u/iwhoreschortschorts sucked my dick I have the photos to prove it

You're a fucking faggot and i guarantee that you're a repulsive person in real life

u/yevyoyevyo come suck my balls sweetie you know you secretly love it

Why'd you requesta chat with me you god damn booger eating degenerate

I got a chat request, a DM, like 6 at mentions, and two threads about me from this mentally sane individual. I'm not engaging him because I pity him, it's sad really. I wonder how bad one's life has to be in order to resort to begging for negative attention a sub dedicated to a defunct radio show. Have fun being on his radar now haha.

u/iWhoreschortschorts why you running like a scared bitch bro. Last night when your mouth was full of my hairy balls you weren’t so shy lol lol lol

Everyones blocked you. Im the only idiot left reading your dumb posts. Actually probably go ahead and block you now.

I just want to talk about how I fucked your ass the other night

Why is it that faggots here seem to post mediocre dickpics right before their mental breakdowns?

You like ice cream doc?