Why the fuck would I ever buy a jew lunch? Don't they have more than enough from their "reparations"? Must be expensive buying all that cheese in bulk for these rats and they need to save as much money as they can so we can fight their wars for them. Greedy kikes.

1  2019-01-05 by cyberchrist_


I've bought millions of Jews lunch. I don't have a lot of evidence that I did, especially given the sheer numbers and my story keeps changing and doesn't match my records but... I totally did.


awful lot of survivors of this (((holocaust)))

You'd think the efficient might of the german war machine would have solved this problem in a day or two

If other countries didnt get involved it would have

Plus Hitler gave them the opportunity to leave and they were too prideful to go. Kinda like the illegals we're harboring today in the states

Sewer rats look at these people and cringe.

They played a shitload these commercials on TV in December, sob story how jews are starving in Israel, this scam has been going on since around World War One it was for six million starving jews in Russia, reading old newspapers they always had some type calamity going on in the world collecting for staving jews every year, they did change name in the middle this year of the charity from a jew organization to a Christian and jew organization

charity scam

It's obvious yet middle american rubes will eat it up

They don't get enough money as it is, 10 billion per annum is not enough you guys.


So you're saying you don't like Jews?


"Don't like" is a heavy understatement, but I can't hate on all jews honestly. My ex was a jew and she had some of the best pussy I've ever dipped my meat into. Too emotional and greedy though so obviously it didnt work out. Plus her divorce attorney kike of a father hated me for the sheer fact that I wasnt Jewish or related to her in some way. Maybe I dont hate ALL jews, but I'll never sympathize with Israel or support them in any way, shape or form. They can get nuked for all I care.

I agree with this sentiment. Same in regards to black people. I dont hate you because of your skin color/reigion. I hate you because the way you act. It just so happens most jews/blacks act exactly the same.

does a Jewess like Amon Göth? lol

You'd think their own community would keep them fed

An unfortunate mishap

I’m not antisemitic. I actually like Jews however I find it really odd that I cant hide this ad like all the other reddit promoted ads. It just keeps coming back. Also if you youtube holocaust, you get this bs paragraph about it that you wouldnt see if you search for the holodomor, nanking, or the Armenian Genocide.

What they are doing in Eastern Europe is various (usually US backed) (((ngo))) are claiming property on behalf of jews , property that MAY have been nationalised during commie times.

Basically pretending to represent jews who got killed/deported/emigrated in ww2 or during communism. Same scam , distributing (((vital aid))) to holocaust survivors(which is everyone over 65 living in israel apparently)

I am mentioning this bc these measures ae being pushed by US embassies,US politicians etc not as much Israelis, mossad etc