Neal Brennan is an insufferable, pandering fuck

1  2019-01-05 by Mrfinley


I'm blocked by him for some reason.

You probably called him a faggot at some point

Amazing he is even related to Kevin.

Fuck, he is? Poor Kevin

he's a star fucker.

How so?

that's what Kevin calls him. Whoever is popular at the moment, eal will be over them.

Sounds about right.

Eel Brennan is a more appropriate name

And this is from the “jokes” portion of his act.

Are there non joke parts? Is he on some Nanette shit?

He might ask for donations for Yemen

I saw his last one man show on netflix, it’s mostly him complaining about his life/talking about depression with a few jokes interspersed to keep the audience’s attention.

He’s probably a pretty good writer, but there’s a reason his entire career will be lived in the shadow of chapelle’s show. He was never a funny comedian.

Half-Baked was 20+ years ago. Chappelle was 15 years ago. He hasn’t done a fucking thing since. And was he really a co-creator or more of an advisor?

I don’t know, I’m just assuming he is a pretty good writer because he’s jewish.

It's from his new half hour on Netflix, and it's not too bad. While there's some pandering like that, he uses it to buy goodwill from his audience so he say less PC stuff later on.

That bit ends up with him pointing out that all marriages are basically the man being raped by the woman, and ends on a pretty solid line that should get complaints in the usual places once they get sick of gumming Louis CK.

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I can't stand him. He's a writer, he's not a stand up. He only started doing stand up out of sheer desperation once his meal ticket Chappelle took a sabbatical, I don't think he's even 10 years into doing stand up and he's got "specials" already. I've seen him at the Store, he gets one's of laughs, and his bits are long drawn out "think pieces" that are whimsical if you cut your teeth on witty NPR humor.

I can’t say that the hackiness of what Neal said was the main thing. But wow, was it lazy. Wow, was it EASY. “I’m gonna show that I’m not afraid to mock this upsetting thing that most ppl don’t find funny” is not brave. It’s not hilarious because it offends some people. It’s a FORMULA, and an increasingly lazy one. This hacky, unfunny, shallow routine is just a symptom of how people are afraid to feel empathy. It’s much easier to laugh at our most vulnerable than to look at their pain directly & show them love and concern. The much harder comedic choice would have been to explore himself. Instead he sought new victims. It’s super messed up and deserves discussion.

You sir sound like a man who should control the universe

you go to hell judd you faggot.


I know that he's hip because he hangs out with blacks. He talks about it extensively.