Bonnie McFarlane is all on board with this.

1  2019-01-05 by literalotherkin


Last weekend, clips of a recent Louis C.K. comedy set—in which the comedian mocked gender-neutral pronouns and the Parkland students—were posted online. They landed with a predictable thud.

'It landed with a predictable thud'. stupid. The New Yorker has really gone down hill.

She's kind of cute in a dykey sort of way.

The correct title for the story would be...

Listening to Louis C.K.: An Interview with the "Comedian" Jena Friedman


She sucks. Saying whether something is funny depends on who is saying it - not how - makes her come across very closed-minded. But who wouldn't like her mind-blowing take on that Carlin bit?

“I just starting getting into George Carlin-“

Get the fuck out bitch.

Jews have done such a number on our country it makes my head spin

It’s not even our country anymore.

Gawd what self-serving rubbish. Of course that alt faggot Bonnie would think this is good stuff.

There is no retarded sister. It's Bonnie.
