Swiped right, fingers crossed!

1  2019-01-05 by crookedmile


Scientist, bowler and a big sports fan. You're not pretending to be a girl right, dude.

I'm really not living my life very well at all, but people like this make me feel a lot better about myself.

The Fuck happened to Arlington Heights?!

Fucking suburbs.

You gonna take this fairy to a Cubs game in one of his pretty dresses?

He’s gonna fuck him then beat the shit out of him for being such a fag

He'd probably really enjoy that

That last pic looks like Anthony in mommy's shoes.

Basically just an attention seeker daring someone to call him out. I mean he's not even trying. How about you at least have a shave and put on some makeup, "Amelia."

Who initiates contact in this case?

Department of Human Services, mental health division.

tranny Bill Murray

Typical Cubs fan.

There's no way this isn't a joke. This thing has a 5 o clock shadow for fucks sake.