REMINDER: The people complaining about Louis CK's new set, are the same people who use "Adulting" unironically.

1  2019-01-05 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Every one should definitely be killed.

FINALLY, something we can all agree on.

Everyone Should Be Killed happens to be the best Anal Cunt album, musically though not lyrically

I think their Morbid Florist album was their best work.

Picnic Of Love anyone?

I couldn't afford to buy you a present (so I wrote you this song) I really think they were only band to really not give a Fuck

I'd say so

impaled northern moonforest my dude

They also post pics of their puppers and doggo’s.

And say "hooman", right right

I honestly fucking hate all those stupid pet videos with the retarded subtitles. "Am doggo hooman want play?" like shut the fuck up you fucking faggot


You made a bamboozle fren? I smol but i smort

I kinda get 'doggo', but the word 'pupper' absolutely grated my ears.

Doggo rhymes with homo, so makes perfect sense in your case.

Well... it doesn't. But okay.

I love my pupper tho. Cute lil beast

The thing that infuriates me to the point of a cerebral haemorrhage is videos of soldiers reuniting with their fucking dogs or family members. They're EVERYWHERE. Some underachieving hick travels eleven miles from an army base in Georgia, in full fucking uniform for some inexplicable reason. His dog jumps up and down a bit (because he's a dog) and people lose their fucking minds over it. They act like he's some noble warrior returning from the frontlines after years of arduous battle. People are so simple and easily impressed. I can't stand it.

My gash unironically called me her "hubby" once and I blacked out for a minute. Luckily I didn't smash her head in and explained to her I never wanted to hear that word again

friend of mine posts pictures of her "fur babies" on social media. She's actually pregnant with a real human baby too, so wtf.

I hear hitting them with frying pans works.

Is there a video up still?

No need to list out everything those faggots do, we all know it's a lot of faggoty shit.

Just stfu and bend the knee... louis sucks now and you have to accepted...Bend the knee and kiss the ring

Say it more times.

It's like watching a fight video where someone says the same dumbshit thing fourteen times.


Yeah. Hes problematic now and therefore he cannot be funny any longer

What's bend the knee mean?

Surrender to a higher power. In this case it's the sjws I guess

Punk music fucking sucks, play the same three chords from 1960's pop music and pretend to be British, you faggot.

Explain to the folks at home what "adulting" means!

RIP Super Dave


It's been weeks now, and there's still people complaining about the people that were complaining.

If it weren't for you faggots, I never would have even known about those people.

Enough about this Louis CK shit:. BROTHER Joe is still out there

This place is becoming like Ant. Endlessly ranting about the same thing to people who already agree. About things that wouldn't bother you in the slightest if you didn't actively search for them.

Someone called me a snowflake because I think this pronoun stuff is stupid. Very confusing.

no U GUYS are the REAL snowfakes haha

They take what we say to them and say it to us, very clever.

they have the arguments of a 3 year old

I am not one of you, but they said it to me as well.. Crazy times to be alive

Louis spent some 7 min on a retarded bit that didn't gain reaction on the media, maybe as a side thing. They were dead set on talking about the shooting survivors nonstop. It's fucking disgusting how they picked not the most offensive to actual retards but what would get the most reaction. Those school shooting survivors getting more attention that parents of retards or actual retards is sickening.

Yikes! Too much hate here, douchecanoes!


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Say it more times.

Yeah. Hes problematic now and therefore he cannot be funny any longer

FINALLY, something we can all agree on.

What's bend the knee mean?

Punk music fucking sucks, play the same three chords from 1960's pop music and pretend to be British, you faggot.

Everyone Should Be Killed happens to be the best Anal Cunt album, musically though not lyrically