Louis Isn't the Problem. You Are.

1  2019-01-05 by RelevantField


No one is going to change their opinion from this. But he'll get clicks. Just like the anti-Louis ones will get traffic too.. It's a big con. Most people aren't worried about it, but all of these internet "writers" are desperate for revenue and will use whatever the hot topic is at the moment. Boredom will be setting in on the issue shortly.

"And if you’re answer is “probably not” then you need to reevaluate what exactly it is your judging Louis CK for."

EDIT! Never post 1st drafts.

"Art (when separate from a criminalized act) must always be separated from the artist."

Total horse shit but go on.

"Did you know Einstein married his cousin? I guess that didn’t matter because the ‘Theory of Relativity’ was too important to let go…"

Nice comparison, stupid.


Don't ever say flamewar, stupid.

"He’s pointing out society’s tolerance of it [school shootings] and how it’s seeped into mainstream culture"

Did you even listen to the set? He wasn't doing anything of the sort. He was pointing out that being a student who attended a school that had a shooting doesn't make you a moral authority and that instead of going around the country preaching truths you should be spending your days fucking and sucking.

"He’s not poking fun at kids. He’s bemused by the larger systemic issue that those kids are involved in."

He totally is and the second sentence is the fucking gayest undergraduate overreach for something profound to say I've ever read in my life. What are you a teenager?

Rest is fine. Kind of agree with the first comment though. Trite. C- for you!

I didn't realize this was OP's. The sentiment still remains. I get the point, but you'd be hard pressed to change anybodies mind. Just wait for the cycle to end.

I'm just guessing. Might not be his at all.