F is for faggot

1  2019-01-05 by JoeCumiaIsaRapist


I wonder how many times he's had to grovel to Nia about the 'Epidemic of gold digging whores' bit. She's one of the good types of feminists though, Bill not like those other shrill, shiftless whores.

he looks like a irish traveler boxer but he isn't even Irish.

He's part Irish. He's from Boston, dude. No one has been spared the taint of the Leprechaun -- except for the blacks of course.

gotcha. I thought he was all german.

We burned all the redheads as witches in Central Europe. Few of them around.

I hate those fucking faggots that claim their Irish because a long dead relative was. It's not some cool character trait. It's fucking lame. You're not Irish. My father was Irish, from County Mayo. I've never been and grew up here, I don't know anything about Ireland. I'm American. I would never say I was Irish. It's so childish.

Irish ancestry is a better way to put it. I get what you mean. It's mostly White people who want to get in on the persecuted underdog game in my experience.

People who take those dna heritage tests and then humble brag about their uniqueness. It doesn't mean anything. It's so stupid. Good job giving your literal genetic DNA to a company.

I've done it and uploaded the data to different sites and got strikingly different results -- how the fuck did I get Finnish?? It's not, to put it politely, an exact science.

It's total bullshit and if you freely give your dna to companies you're a retard. Every company with any remotely valuable big data gets hacked.


“BoOnDocK SaIntS iS My FaVoRiTe MoViE” type dudes lol

Your dad is a gay leprechaun

God this picture is punch-able....

His suit is really bothering me

It's the grey chair fabric of some type of indeterminable cloth.

The smile a comic makes when he's no longer burdened with the curse of funny.

Everyone eventually went to shit after Patrice died.

a canadian film festival is exactly where this fucking faggot belongs.

Proud Boy