And this is how they retaliate against the Gamestop video?

1  2019-01-05 by RelevantField


The left wing is america is beyond retarded. They're going to lose to the worst president in history because they're even worse.

Why's he the worst President in history out of interest?

He hasn't shown much aptitude for the job yet.

You clearly don't own stocks then.

You clearly didn't see Jim Carrey's tweet about how the economy was tanking.

I do, you should see what happens to your portfolio in the next 6 months. Go cash or ride short positions through most of 2019 if you're smart.

You sound like every MSNBC or Yahoo Money article of the last 2 years. If your portfolio tanks because the Fed raises rates, then it's your own fault.

My portfolio hasn't tank. My play for fun RH account went from about 6k in Sept to over 25k before Christmas. That downturn was fantastic for me. Add to that a 3k or so return with the last couple big bullish days.

My 'retirement' account is down about 12% still but I don't play with that one. Though I plan on moving some of that around anticipating what's to come in 2019.

Ask yourself this: if GDP, production, housing and jobs numbers all looked good (nearing expectations or slightly beating them) what happened in the 4th quarter this past year to the markets? Don't get caught with your pants down this year (especially an Brother Joe's house).


He's throwing a fucking hissy fit because he can't get his stupid wall funded. He's a fucking bitch.

He's upset that one of the major policy promises of his campaign isn't being funded????? What a fucking loser. What kind of President acts that way! (STFU fag.)

So did every president before him, but you didn't seem them shutting down the government?

Who gives a shit it's not like Trumps the first person to cause a shutdown. All essential government shit is open, only ones sitting out are the wastes collecting their paychecks. (STFU fag.)

The left was literally happy and ready to shut the government down over DACA and ILLEGALS just a few months ago, now they’re acting like a shutdown is the worst thing to ever happen.

I pray for leftist genocide daily. Fuck you punk you ain’t the man you run for the man!

I love this sub.

I thought the promise included Mexico paying for the wall. Now it's going to be you.

I think most people who voted for him would be happy to get a wall no matter who paid for it and the people who are opposing it aren't, let's say, the most fiscally responsible people that exist. (I'm Aussie BTW we have a big beautiful ocean to protect us from the darkie savages.)

Happy Cake Day literalotherkin! Forget about the past, you can’t change it. Forget about the future, you can’t predict it. Forget about the present, I didn’t get you one.

This is the second time you've posted this message to me but let me tell you I will destroy you. I will find out where you live and give you a bloody good speaking to, mark my words.

But that's still going back on a campaign promise.

So? It's politics. Don't make the perfect the enemy of the good.

I don't think that retard comes close to good. If he makes the right choice it's by accident or if someone appealed to his vanity.

I'm probably as critical of the guy as you. He's definitely a narcissist. He's definitely vain, shallow and immature. He's the President though and if he continues on his Syrian policy, builds a wall and continues the direction of trade action he's approached I'll be happy. Not for me but for Americans. I don't care about his personal failings I just care about what he does.

Have you killed all your own abos?

We'd have to find them first. They live on some God forsaken stretch of desert that most people can't find on the map.


I think the wall is dumb, but the shutdown is good on its own and should be permanent.

Who would have thought a man with tits could get politicians to pander


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The newly minted congresswoman from the state’s 10th District told Washingtonian that the flag is a personal show of solidarity because she’s an aunt to a transgender kid.

Shes an Aunt to a transgender kid.

Wonder if she will take the flag down when it becomes a statistic.

We really need a Herr Hitler.