Every new Louie thinkpiece is worse than the last FAWKIN YUCK

1  2019-01-05 by stoplookinggatmeswan


Anyone who writes a "think piece" on a joke should have acid thrown in their face.

"Whatya think about that?"

"And here's Zarah Lopez-Habib with a Gedankenexperiment on feminist gender-conscious comedy": - "Now imagine an equal-value pair of diversities entering an inclusive thirst-slaking establishment"


Not everything has to be a critique of white people you humorless fucks.

In his brilliant 2013 special, Oh My God


That one signaled his decline, imo

I lost track of his specials after Hilarious, but is that the one where half the special is "white people and all men are evil"?

That might be 2014, I dunno, 2013 onward sucked

All these thinkpieces and comedian responses read the same way. They dumped Louie from their club and expected him to beg, beg, beg their forgiveness. Instead he said "fuck your stupid club" and moved on from them. If Louis CK was truly done and really didn't matter no one would write about him anymore. They heard the audio of that audience laughing and comedy they can't control scares the shit out of them.

Imagine being that big of a fuckin fag

Im sure you wont see any of this finger wagging at Tiffany Haddish, who openly admitted she got shithouse wasted all the way up til a few hours before her show and couldnt give less of a shit about it. Fuck the fans, fuck the promoters. No one says a word.

When was Louis ever famous for his “decency”?