I just now remembered that Anthony still has a show

1  2019-01-05 by crookedmile

And I'm on here daily


Childfucker gambino

Won’t catch you streaming though

One of my favorite things to come out of this sub last year.

Absolutely, it triggered his obscurity rant on Twitter, which was goid.

Skin tone is almost identical

Around this time last year, Roe dropped dead and Colin Flaherty forgot to laugh. This year, we have nothing. Someone put Compound Media out of its misery.

Well at least Flarhety got cancer, that was pretty funny.

Guess I forgot to laff. Thanks for reminding me HAHAHA

People comment on Jim and Sam more than Ant's show at this point. That's fucking embarrassing. And of course Opie gets plenty of attention when the show isn't just "We went on a road trip and recorded the car conversation about road trips we took 20 years ago"

Opie only gets attention when he tweets about Jim or Anthony. No one actually talks about his show.


I think they are talking about that dead dude that used to have a traveling show

Anthony should try to sign Vic Henley at this point.

For the meat though.

I like how Nick Dipoalo turned down his own show and co-host job working for Cumia to do a free YouTube podcast.

How many sharpies do you have?