Gavin's No Good Very Bad Day

1  2019-01-05 by RelevantField


a fucking adult frat is a nazi cabal nowadays...

I want to move to mars. Its dry and cold but at least theres no one there trying to redefine reality

Yeah, Gavin just wanted to make a Knights of Columbus for millenial guys.

But somehow gayer.

I think Gavin put the really goofy features in there to help pre-emptively diffuse accusations of Nazism. It hasn't helped very much.

Eh, I think they were pretty genuine.

Totally - it’s all just a big misunderstanding.

Skrewdriver sucked even before the white power stuff.

this song is decent have to like punk i guess


No shit. Trash music for garbage people

Tariq Nasheed is the black(er) version of Anthony

Constantly on twitter race airing for attention because he’s a worthless idiot

He should be his cohost

You know, that would actually radically improve what both of them do. It would still be garbage, of course.

Honestly what's the truth about the Proud Boys? Are they a White Supremacist group or not? I've seen good evidence they aren't but I've seen some stuff that supports they are. Did it mutate into something after it started? Are they truly proud?

The only thing i know is every single proud boy on youtube is a huge faggot.

That one music vid is quite cringeworthy

🎶 u-u-uhuru we're the proud boys🎶

no. Its all leftist propaganda.

they're anti-cuck libertarians basically

They are the alt-rights first and at this point only known openly homosexual cult.

It's not, but all of its members are milliondollareextreme lol racism types.

Tariq Nasheed is a troll and should be ignored.

Yea he’s definitely NOT wearing it to make people angry. This is peak when he’s in with the libs. He knew that would make them mad.

It didn't make them mad back then. All the '90s-holdover guys like Patton and Albini who are insufferable "now that I have a daughter" lib bitches now were Skrewdriver-t-shirt guys then. That scene ended on the day that Obama was elected. Half my friends turned into fucking CIA agents overnight.

There was plenty of controversy over wearing Skrewdriver shirts before Obama was elected. Same with One Life Crew or any white power affiliated shit.

Can someone link this guy the picture of Gavin's spread open asshole just to see what he'll say?

Or gavin stepping on his own penis. That pics weird as fuck too.

Wow a hipster wearing an edgy shirt to get a rise out of people...crazy. Gavin is a fagget tho, don't get me wrong.

He should be his cohost