"Do it bro!!": 245lb unemployed fatass cosplays as motivational coach

1  2019-01-05 by crookedmile


Mark your calendar boys, he'll be down to 225 in 30 days or less

Btw 220 is still overweight.

We're talking about low ambition joe here

Not really. 6'1" 220 could be impeccable shape. That bmi shit only applies to dainty little fags like David Hogg and you

So you think bro Joe at 220 will be in impeccable shape, stupid? Because otherwise you've made a deeply pointless comment.

Yes i think Joe will be sexy at 220

Here is you insulting people

I'm luck to be

Niggers I swear

Looks like the cum and child spit diet isn't working out too well for him.

Lot of sugar in child spit.

Going to be hilarious when this NIGGER goes no sugars no grains and stalls because he cannot abstain from his insatiable need for child spit.

Isn’t he an alcoholic like his brother? Booze is pretty high in carbs unless you’re drinking maybe vodka soda or neat scotch in small amounts.

Lol he posted this almost exact post 2-3 years ago

I hope this fat failure has a massive coronary his first day back, from going way too hard on the cardio.

Old fat faggot