Anthony and family in happier times

1  2019-01-05 by Ant_Sucks


What the fuck? Are the dudes in wedding dresses the leaders? I don't understand Africa


Magical thinking; they believe they're invulnerable if they wear certain things. Used to be just amulets and dried body parts.

Goddamn kids today. The uniform is sweatpants and tuxedo shoes.

Could you imagine if white people didn't ruin their country? It would probably look like Tokyo.

Liberia is a magical place.

Ironic that it sounds so much like library.

It's possibly the poorest country in the world. A homeless person could put a hat down anywhere in the US, and in a week they would make more than the average GDP per person there for a year.

You see roving bands (much larger, though) of this sort in the SW too. But local government there pays skilled para-military to keep them out, or get rid of them altogether.

May look threatening, but a single squad of actual soldiers would be done with them in minutes. The trick is to stay at ~100yd range. Or wait till they're out of ammunition.

They're not soldiers!

Wakanda Forever!