Eminem's Daughter's Beefers

1  2019-01-05 by EncinoEscobar


jimnorton liked this

nose and titjob makes her look a certain way for sure.

Yeah, she's outside the limit of my attraction to too-much-money-and-makeup hos. She's dude-y.

More like doody, right fellas?

The simple life of Instagram whore.

You mean entrepreneur, influencer.

  • activist, advocate

Bitch looks too much like her wigger father. Fucking dictionary music fag.

Her mom's a huge whore, what makes you think she's even his?

She looks like him.

I don't see it, she just looks like an average instawhore to me.

Abs popping more than mine and I inject a gram of testosterone a week. This bitch ia on anavar.


Have fun not getting laid

Say hi to your bf

All you fags love Mel Gibson but won't do as he does and shoot up test.

You knew she was gonna grow up to be a world champion coal burner.

Coffee pot toffee hot probably not wobbly bot knobbly thot

Em, you claim your mother's a crackhead And Kim is a known slut So what's Hailie gon' be when she grows up

...so she is a crack baby, right?