Plays Video games and posts Beefers while naked

1  2019-01-04 by Pudshark


Fat people have life figured out

Which one of you is this?

Guilty. ☺️

This is what little Pete from Pete and Pete is up to these days, huh?

Another child star statistic

I. He's busy walking off LoS episodes.

born ginger. never stood a chance.

It's funny how he doesn't have to cover his dick when he walks around naked. He's got one of those Peter Griffin gunts that takes care of it.

Now this is a man who washes himself with a rag on a stick.

it's the 21st century brotherman, we have freedom wands now!

No he don't, he gets bath in a trough and his father washes him and wipes his ass after he shits

Imagine that being your son. I'd set my house on fire while he was in it, wouldn't even have to bother locking the doors.

Think of how long it would take all that fat to burn though. It'd be like that mine fire in Pennsylvania. Dude could probably walk around aflame for a decade before it reached any of his vital organs.

Yeah simps ref, Trav dog would be proud

Dr. Nick Riviera went to Hollywood upstairs Medical School

love this show, casey seems like a good egg. I hope he finds the power to diet so that he can get the gastric sleeve. I never thought i'd be able to get down under 400 but my healthy eating support group empowered me to make the right changes in my life.

Bring me Solo and the Wookie.

I see this and feel good about myself. I may be short and overweight, but at least I'm not this dude. Women don't have feitshs like this, no woman wants to fuck that. I know of guys that do. Maybe women are better, after all. No, no I don't accept that.

Would love to push him on his back and have him lay there while he slowly starves to death

Flailing like a pink, rubbery turtle.

He'd probably suffocate before starving.

Oh E-Rock

Father waits on him and wipes his ass after the fat tub was kicked out of his mom’s house for his own good for not having a job or any activity. At least the mother tired. Enabling father says he “loves (his son) to death” and misses the irony.

After I read most the article I realized the dad probably enabled his son on purpose just to get on one of these stupid reality shows. So at least he can make some money off his fat, lazy son before he dies. The dad seems to eagerly feed the guy lol

At this point it’s the kid’s one and only use. Well, lamp oil.

Jesus what an infuriating article.

You know what dude... Ya got your video games, ya got some movies, ya got your 50,000 daily calories, ya got your pig trough as a bathtub. What else do you need dude?

"I'm a bigger guy." No, you're the biggest guy you worthless sack of shit.