Trailer for Mel's new movie Dragged Across Concrete

1  2019-01-04 by RelevantField


I don't need to see it. Someone give Mel an oscar and blow him stat

Can it wait until after the Jacuzzi?

I don't know what you know about Mel but I don't think that's going to fly

Mel doesn't get blowjobs or anything else from men. He is hetero.

The only bad reviews say it's a bigoted movie and they say nigger a lot. I'm all in for movie of the year.

Fuck yeah, finally

Looks great, hope it kills at the box office despite every reviewer trashing as a means to virtue signal.

Mel is making the James Byrd Jr Story?

Sorry. This video does not exist.

Looks like it got taken down on Vimeo.

Youtube version.

Not surprised. Its pretty obviously a workprint cut of the trailer. Im guessing an official copy will be released in the next couple of weeks.

Headline week movie comes out---

"New Mel Gibson film is tone-deaf angry white male entitlement porn"

Next to--

"The new movie by commie pretentious hack highlights the plight of tri-racial dendrophiles and its about time"

Followed up with, "Dragged Over Concrete clinches highest box office earnings of the year".


A good Lethal Weapon movie!

Just gimme a goddamn release date already

Wiat he's not directing this? Then honestly I'm Not that interested.

yeah this spoils a lot of the script and the production company said not to watch it on their twitter lol

I saw it a thing a couple months ago. I love S Craig, love Mel, love Vince Vaughn. Im sad to report it’s not that good. Way too long & not enough happens. Some cool scenes but overall it’s nowhere near as good as Bone Tomahawk or Brawl.

No you didn't you lying faggot

Pardon ME sir, but I spent a good 30 minutes basking in the glory of our lord and savior Mel Gibson at the premiere:

That's Vince Vaughn next to him with his back turned, and the guy all the way to the right in the brown jacket is S Craig, the director, who looks not unlike Frank Rizzo from the Jerky Boys.

Fawwkin haterrr

DocMcCoy wins

I still don't believe you the movie isn't good.

In fact, I bet you just went to to the premiere to see Mel and take pictures and act like you saw the movie anyway.

I know because thats some faggot shit I would have done.

I believe you. I love all those guys and movies too but I thought it was going to be Zahler doing a Colors/Training Day type movie with a bit of a Nightcrawler vibe - Mel and Vince just brutalising perps on the job rather than what basically looks like a heist picture. I'll still see it, obviously, but not optimistic.

It’s ponderously long and slow, that was my biggest problem with it. He strikes me as a guy like Paul Thomas Anderson that’s just too in love with his own work.

Hey, more people in love with their own work is what we need.

I don’t blame you, and you can choose not to believe me. Dont say I didn’t warn you.

The bank robbery scene is the best in the whole movie, it’s fucking incredible. There’s a thing they do with a tape recorder that is such a cool idea, I cant believe no ones ever thought of it.

I hate Zahler’s dialogue, but I love his gore/violence. (Wait til you see what happens to “the guy that swallowed the key”)

Links down. Anyone got a download?

Pardon ME sir, but I spent a good 30 minutes basking in the glory of our lord and savior Mel Gibson at the premiere:

That's Vince Vaughn next to him with his back turned, and the guy all the way to the right in the brown jacket is S Craig, the director, who looks not unlike Frank Rizzo from the Jerky Boys.

Fawwkin haterrr