Hear me, Mr. President? Retweet me, I retweeted you!

1  2019-01-04 by RBuddCumia


Poorly educated Cumias

What non-biased news does Joe take in?

breitbart and the anthony cumia show


EDIT: Sorry, I misunderstood the question.

I wish he'd take in a copious amount of carbon monoxide.

Ahhhh. Slow Joe.

No wonder Anthony was able to convince himself that he is a genius, he is surrounded by retards.

You mean Big A and Fred from Brooklyn aren’t deep intellectual thinkers?

Big A is more intelligent than any Cumia. He's just an ugly monster who can't speak.

What if tomorrow something changes, boy would joes face be red

Cries about "bias news", then links an opinion piece. Ad the word "Opinion" to the ever growing list of words Bromo Joe doesn't understand

I like the double space before “propagandists”. He clearly copy and pasted that because he couldn’t spell it and accidentally copied the space before it too.

This is some Colombo shit.

"Joe, just one more thing before I go..."

For once I got to feel like one of the autists on here, rather than the common civilian I am.

Welcome, friend.

I would actually agree with everything Joe said here, but the fact he watches FOX and doesn’t realize it’s the same thing enrages me.