You heard him, gang.

1  2019-01-04 by RBuddCumia


How the hell did Slow Joe get banned on FB? Wait - never mind. He’s a Cumia and he’s Slow Joe. Dunderhead couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

Telling Nigger jokes

He dindu nuffin

I don't know for sure, but I have heard on national TV that he admitted he's a racist, a pedophile, a card carrying, a violent.

Who are these colossal faggots that he is addressing? Names, SSNs and blood types please.

HIV+ to your third question

Sounds like he's expecting a lot of his fellow patrons and cocksuckers from the Big Apple Ranch to hit him up.

"DM Messages". Whose grandfather can't behave online so, so, so that he gets suspended regularly from some silly service he's addicted to? Grow up, Joseph Cumia.

What kind of faggot is counting down the days of his facebook being unbanned? This worthless faggot who has absolutely nothing to do all day.