Looking good there, Art!

1  2019-01-04 by RBuddCumia


Jesus Christ. Just die already.

Just add a blue shade to his skin, blood and vomit from his nose and mouth, and we have his death photo.

A hot shot plastic surgeon can't do something with that schnoz? The fucking guy is annoying the shit out of me with that nose, are you telling me this ISN'T a priority for him?

He should have that snozz made into a cunt,like he is.

no way he makes it to the end of the year

I heard that for the last 3 years. He'll outlive us all.

3? He tried to stab himself to death a decade ago.

Guy needs to River Phoenix himself and do the world a favor.

The only living human that should be in a closed casket just to get his mail

Does he take these pictures so people feel bad for him or are does he think they are an improvement?

He should have that snozz made into a cunt,like he is.