...Does anyone here actually MISS Opie and Anthony?

1  2019-01-04 by Every1ShouldBKilled


I don't. I love radio that can make me buy in to their created world. O & A were never smart enough to do that.

I miss having a show like it...but not it. I can accept it wouldn't work now.

Sam Roberts should be incinerated.

Not really. This dumb sub is free and funnier than anything O&A has ever done, plus I don’t have to listen to shitty Steven Singer live reads in between malformed opinions about pop culture.

This sub is FREE*

I've been relistening to the show, currently up to March 2005. I kinda miss it, but there's a lot of parts around where I am that are now fucking annoying.. the constant shit Joe song parodies, Jimmy really starting to become a fucking diva, Ant beginning to lose his mind. I think nostalgia is why people miss it, it was garbage long before Ant got bashed up by a negro girl.

It was a lame show with only a handful of memorable bits. It’s just that people remember said stage out moments they forget we waded through trash to get there.

Just like everybody's life, if you're lucky.

yeah i've been listening to the colin appearances (i'm at #34) and most of the shows are complete shit, nostalgia plays a big part as you said

so inconsistent, they'd have 2-3 great shows then 9 that are shit, repeat

i know they are all hated now but i still view that as ok. i could not imagine trying to come up with content, and being original on the radio for what 4 hours a day for like 10 years. that would be extremely hard to do.

yeah you're right man, no show has been consistently funny like they had, even their shit years had some good bits

95 to 2014, not fucking bad

btw those late 90's/early 00's shows are good, opie and ant had a lot more chemistry then


Ron and Fez did a better show than them every day. Even when Fez didn’t say a word.

i've still to listen to them, love ron's unmasked interviews

They got lazy.

2007-2009 were the best years i think.


The 2005 to 2010 years. Patrice and Louis appearances. I don't think any radio show "works" now with podcast, YouTube and smartphones that give us all the pop culture "viral" moments before the show comes back on Monday.

I do miss having a 4 hr show (8 when R&F were on) that I could listen to at work and ignore all the dopes that surround me.

This, a hundred times over.

I miss the feeling when I first discovered it. I would stream it from Australia in 2005 with crappy internet. It was the first time I heard people really insult each other brutally. I think if I listen to those shows again it won't do anything for me considering they hated each other then. They were my hero's but it turns out the funnier two are real creeps. The least funny and more annoying one turned out to be a normal guy. Anyway I'm drunk and gay

and Australian

Yeah the worst part

he already mentioned he was drunk and gay

no need to rub it in

Are there any shows now where a diverse range of comics come in a trash eachother for 2+ hours?

No. They all have the chance to buy Ant is a fag behind a paywall. Opie goes to bars to hang out with Vic Henley. Norton is only after a pay check so sacrifices his integrity to do a show with Sam. Bob Kelly hosts an awful podcast with open micers. Nick Dipoalo does a one man podcast to only talk politics. Rich Vos is on a golf course and will be appearing at the big black pussy cat February 18th to the 22nd.

Yes, they are called podcasts and you dont have to pull your rig over to continue listening to the bit at the end of a haul

I miss it, I've been re listening from the 06 and currently in spring 07. It's crazy what has happened to them and the world but Opie predicted it

Not one bit

Only Scorch and Colon roasting Worm.

I never listened, I'm just here for the racism


I would give it a listen, but I can't deal with Jim anymore. Ant is an epic piece of shit. But I don't dislike anyone in the O&A universe as much as Jim. Bad things happening to him GENUINELY make me happy.

I miss R&F. I miss not knowing about O&A and this fucking place.

Yes because nobody has replaced them and successfully pulled it off. What they did was special but these two fucks get act like grown adults to do a show together and make actual money.

Nah I finally moved on. Cumtown is good when Nick is on

Nick Mullen is great

I miss ron and fez a whole lot more

Yes because it's the only show in the last 10 years I relied on to get me through the work day. Everything else is shit or okay depending on the guests.

I miss Opie and Anthony featuring Louis ck/Patrice o Neal/Colin quinn

I miss that fat nigga

We were all teenagers when it was airing and it turns out teenage boys have garbage taste.

Good thing we have great taste now that we're in our 20s

I miss O&A when Faggot Jim was gifted a job he fucked up and Burr and Patrice replaced him. Or pre-Norton O&A in general. In hindsight it probably stinks but at least the worlds biggest faggot wasn’t there.

I miss Opie and Anthony with Patrice

The worse thing that ever happened to the show is that big black man dying.

I miss them.

Everybody does

No, only fucking faggots do. The show was always embarrassing.

How dare thee

I do it was one of the things that helped me from my depression was listening to patrice oneal great talks about how women suck and the arguments between comics helped developed my sense of humor

sandy Kane shit is still Liquid brown to me man

I liked it towards the end, I still listen to the 2013 and enjoyed it, but I was liking less and less of it as it went on. Entire shows would be just wait til that afternoon and listen to what segments that seemed interesting from Logan guy on YT would upload the days episode. While I was still enjoying it when it died, I'm confident I'd have been sick of it by now if it were still on.

April 23, 2012. Second hour.

Yeah, kinda like the first half of Goodfellas before he goes to jail.

I would subscribe to an Opie and Anthony podcast as long as there was no Jim.

I miss the wnew version


Ron and Fez did a better show than them every day. Even when Fez didn’t say a word.