Upvote if you can't wait to see how this fucking palooka will embarrass himself in 2019; especially as Compound Media continues it's decent "into the red"...

1  2019-01-04 by TangerineReam


if you seen the way this wop drives I wont be surprised if Joe pulls a Chris Kuhn with the Shane-ster within the year


If i was a betting man, id say the shane-ster has some 'shame-scars'

hes going to be pissed when he realizes this kid is drying out his mouth with the top down.

โ€™I jumped out of planes on purpose.โ€™

I bet my next early shift at paneras that his obnoxiously posturing cap was made in China.

Stolen valor! Stolen valor!

Are people who did only few years of POG stuff so they wouldn't go to jail really like that? Wearing 82nd hat and shirt at the same time etc.

Fucking Snooki-mobile.

To "Shane-ster" Joe is nothing more than "the Nightman".

You know Joe slurped his forearm immediately after that picture for a lil taste.

Just a lil taste - nice Destroyer reference.

It's like a chef taking a little spoonful of soup to see if it's coming out well. He doesn't want to have his entire meal in a car.

That's not the only boy who likes riding in a convertible owned by a Cumia.


If he is terrorized by a group of online terrorists, why would he keep putting pictures of children and their names online?

Because he is monolithicly stupid.

Cute little mug.

Hi Ant

Wowwo we wa

We donโ€™t tolerate chip-speak around here.

I hope that is actually his kid, and not some kid Joe abducted from a mall.

Is this pic where the kid spit lore comes from?

chris morris would describe this wopmobile as a poncey drop-top roller skate.

Joe's endless stupidity is the only reason I keep coming back to this place.


HAHAH Hoooolyy Shit Joe drives a faggot mobile.

...the Gucci version, no less.

Wait, this Sons of Anarchy faggot seriously drives a fiat 500 convertible?

Can he embarrass himself further?

Tune in tomorrow...

Calling that piece of shit a convertible ๐Ÿ˜‚

Imagine being a ball-washer that indirectly pays for this man's bills.

Fruit car.

If only they too had just stolen a vizio sound bar...