Joey Diaz fucking sucks

1  2019-01-04 by crookedmile


Death pool 2019

Fag pool 1930-2019

Yeah dawg you shoulda seen how big the rocks I used to eat were

I throw a coke rock up my dick hole I don’t give a fuck, it all rocks anyway dawg

Let me tell you joe rogan some of my boogers I chew are rock hard joe rogan

ever get a really good coke booger dawg i got one last week from a rock been up there since 86 joe rogan- dawg i ate that shit up 2 minutes later i'm FUCKED UP

hahahahahah, joey, you're legit the funniest guy i know

aw dawg, that's not al-

jamie! pull up that clip of the jacked gorilla

joe rogan, this reminds me of the time back when i was bookie dawg, i was eating my boogers joe rogan when a guy comes up to me joe rogan and dawg let me tell you i was fucked up joe rogan dawg

Joe Rogan you wont believe Joe Rogan the line kc bullshit I'm going to say Joe Rogan so I'll keep repeating your full name Joe Rogan, Joe Rogan.

Joe has known him for years. Heard every story he spouted. Yet still comes up with new 80's stories every podcast.

I think he only kills out west...I'm not a fan of his

There are some solid arguments against legalizing pot idgaf what you say

What you don't like obvious fake stories?


I do not

Anytime Joey starts up with one of his stories, my Bullshit meter goes off the charts. He is so full of shit.

Like all chatty drug users, HIS drug binges were the BIGGEST drug binges, as evidenced by how he has to preface his stories by saying "Joe" a million times before he tells them so Rogan can properly prepare to be astonished by his debauchery.

What movie is this?

Neverending Story

You got that right

Labyrinth you fucktard

(not so) Fun Fact - the horse, Artex, actually sank in that mud pit on set and died. That's the take they used, they couldn't get it out after.

One animal was harmed in the making of this motion picture. Our bad.

Dawg thank you for coming on my podcast to hear the same 10 stories I tell every fuckin episode.

You motherfuckers make a picture say a million words.

Thanks chief.

I heard him telling Rogan some cockamamie story about how "they" used to "boil down" weed stems to make a snortable "THC crystal" powder. Now I've been around the block myself more than a few times and I've probably read way more about the topic of drugs in general than the average person has and I've never heard of such a thing or even anything remotely similar. Who knows what that idiot thought he was snorting but what he described is chemically impossible.

He also thinks angel dust is thc crystals. No stupid angel dust is PCP

Yo dawg, The Nothing ain’t shit, Joe Rogan. I used to do lines off The Nothing’s pussy, dawg.

Dawg they look like good big strong hands but this hoah just wouldn't stay still