Three men in their PRIME

1  2019-01-03 by GorramTimebomb


Is that the dyke who bombed at the Apollo?

Look at those diabetes arms. Too much vegemite for this cunt

Hopefully she’ll have to amputate soon.

We can only hope Twatsmash

And she says she was raped. More than once.

oi wuz riped

She a lezbo now so I guess they wasn't hittin it right

Back when Bobby Kelly had hair

Whoever raped her should go to jail for bestiality

She claims she was picked out of a group for the rape too. What kind of monsters were these girls?

Perhaps the rapists were a pack of wild niggers and they thought that it would cure their diabetes

Whoever it was, they must have needed to rape something like their lives depended on it.

Tasmanian dykes

I heard the story apparently a gang of Abos mistook her for a sexy young warthog.

Fucking forearms of a God on that bitch

Nice Hellboy arm, stupid

A well hung lesbian.

Norman Lear is almost 100 and was a rear gunner on bombers in WW2, yet I still find the forearm on that bloke more amazing.

Ronnie B looks so young in this.

DAMN she's that big retarded hgh arm that Nana had.

Bobby Kelly's looking good.

What a fat dyke.

Hannah Fatsby

Is that Deblasio on the right?

I know the skipper and Gilligan. Who’s the other dude?