This guy's girlfriend killed herself because he gave her herpes

1  2019-01-03 by gcwrestling08


99% of Twitter is lame faggots sucking up to celebrities.

And apparently vice versa

Is that true?

Yeah. Her mom and former husband both filed wrongful death suits against him when she died. When the husband filed his Jim Carrey made a statement basically bragging that he could go to his lawyer and easily make it go away. Which is exactly what happened.


Just Googled it, and the gf's family was represented by the same doofus who represents Stormy Daniels. Small world.

I genuinely don't understand what that picture is supposed to represent.

He's saying that Emma Gonzalez (parkland student) is way bigger and more important than Louie who resembles an ant on a mic here.

Ironically enough, by painting this garbage he's actually just hurting the argument that Louie is "punching down" when making the parkland joke.

Jim Carrey is a spastic fucking retard that is legitimately insane.

What or who is Emma Gonzales? Is she really tall?

that stupid bald mutt who stands for [insert trendy topic] here

little ugly mongo

She's that dyke Goblina that bullied that one faggot into shooting up his school.

'Goblina', that shit is an amazing word right there. Fucking almost lost my shit.

la cretura

Jim Carrey doesn't get enough credit for just how big of a piece of shit he is in real life. I don't think he got over Edward Burns fucking his ex-wife.

Say what now?


Burns fucking is the best kind of fucking.

A picture of Mt. Rushmore with Martin Luther King carved into it. What do you think he means with this?

Based on that image it sure looks like Louis was "punching up".

Sucks seeing people you thought were funny when growing up are actually just fags.

Anything funny that douche has ever said was written by someone funnier.

Definitely. All the stupid faces were all Jim, though. His stand up material was literally just him making faces and flailing about. He's a fucking clown.

I didn't realize what an utter piece of shit he was until I saw 'Jim and Andy'. He's as pretensious as it's possible for someone to be. The interviewer asks him "So Jim, how would you start this movie?" He thinks really hard about it and says "If it was up to me, this movie would never start, it would already have been." He then spends the whole movie spouting the kind of psudo-spiritual jibberish that you'd normally hear from a bulimic fifteen year old girl while they show clips of him acting like an obnoxious bully to everyone on the set. He's also one of those people who won't shut up about their mental health issues and struggles with depression but has way too much of an ego to ever kill themselves. It could have so easily gone the other way with him, but he legitimately is a horrible person and I have no trouble believing that he drove his gf to suicide.

I used to love to watch Andy Kaufman, his wrestling shit is still hilarious to me, and Man on the Moon was alright. I tried to watch that documentary too but I couldn’t get past the part where they showed him being obnoxious as Tony Clifton. It really wasn’t funny, interesting, insightful or any of that other shot Carrey kept trying to say it was. It was just annoying and you could tell everyone around him hated it.

I liked it when he was backstage in character as Andy yelling at all the crew and just generally abusing them, and at one point he spits on Jerry Lawler, who just grabs him by the throat and says "Knock it off. Now." You just hear Jim saying "Okay, sorry, sorry. I'm sorry." He dropped his method acting bullshit pretty quickly at that point.

Any timestamp or clip of this? Can't bear to watch that whole thing

Since I'm at work and have nothing to do. It's 1:01:00 from the end (my Netflix app is shit and only shows you time remaining).

I wish the interviewer would have said " What the fuck does that even mean? You stupid Cunt! "

Respect bra bombing please

I hope everyone replying in support of that Jim Norton picture gets herpes and end up suicidal.


So so so so so so....

your thread title made me straight up laugh at my computer screen like a retard

Spastic hack.

Jim Carrey is a mentally disturbed individual like Patton, Richter, and Apatow.

All of these homos are full of pills and self hate.

Not a single actor is not a complete faggot.

Mel Gibson

Praise his name!

Who the fuck kills themselves over herpes?

Those who also have had Jim Cucky inside them and all they can see is thousands of lil Jims making wacky faces on their pussy, it's pretty much Bird Box.

Why did he paint Jim Norton?

Jim Carrey was legitimately never funny to me & I’m not just saying this now. I remember being a little boy thinking he was a hack while my peers were all loving Ace Ventura & all his other movies. He was basically slapstick & slapstick is never funny.


Your right, Jim most likely suffers from some form of autism.

Art is always better when you have to put labels on everything to explain what your point is.

This scene is literal nazism.

This faggot does art now? Looking at his Twitter, his artwork is literally on par with Sonicchu. Right down to the magic markers.

that stupid bald mutt who stands for [insert trendy topic] here

little ugly mongo

She's that dyke Goblina that bullied that one faggot into shooting up his school.

la cretura