Another Andy that is funnier, healthier, and less of a faggot than Andy Richter

1  2019-01-03 by SextonHardcastle11



That fat fuck was never funny.

He's alright. He was dealt a pretty shitty hand and he's made the best of it.

He's funnier, but just barely

Better glasses too

And less deficient in male hormones.

This guy fucking stinks

gotta wonder about this dude once every 4 or 5 years

When life gives me lemons i make beef stew

Those IRL live streamers in LA are some of the most autistic people on the internet. Asian Andy's text to speech videos are gold.

Isnt it funny that fucking Ice Poseidon is more relevant and better at broadcasting than Ant

pretty sure ice poseidon was sent to obscurity years ago, and the subreddit turned into what this would be had ant assumed control of it

It's sad and hilarious when a waitress calls him "ma'am" when he's wearing his big granny sunglasses.

I remember liking him when he had that show on MTV but I don't know why. The Tom Green Show was 100x better.