Ant reclaims his jawline and makes a movie.

1  2019-01-03 by ryanasimov


Bad Blood , huh !? Is it about AIDS or his '' North African '''DNA ?

Ant wishes he looked liked Kim Coates. Always plays a good dirtbag.

Ironic that he fell in love with a Trans woman on SOA.

That's coincidence, not irony, you stupid nigger

He was very much like Anthony in Waterworld.

I seem to have dropped my cigarette. May I have another?

Isn’t that the guy from Sons of Anarchy? Joe is on the phone with Ant right now telling him we compared him to this guy.

He's some french actor.

He finally found his gun.

Back off, this isn't his show.

Kim Coates deserves better roles hes actually pretty good

This was a good mini series. Even had Pauly from Goodfellas. I didn’t realize the Wops had that gangsta shit going in Canada too but it makes sense.

Really good show.

I have to admit, while I was watching it I couldn't help but notice the main character looked a bit like Nana.

Then I felt annoyed because I realized how much he'd love that comparison.

That reminds me of the fact that he's also fruitier than Neil Sedaka

I met the entire SoA cast at a bar once and Kim Coates was by far the coolest/nicest one there. Unser too.

Anthony on tren

He was great in resident evil 4

lol this dude played a character named officer gucci in the silent hill movie...woppening

That’s a nice haircut from John Sahag