Things that prove Tran'pa is a card carrying faggot 1/18,000,000,000

1  2019-01-03 by Diarrheachino


lesser apes using tools?

All yall niggas is gay

there is going to be a man outside your window in the next 30 mins. he is NOT an undercover police officer

If you cover up those sandbags attached to the back of her legs you can see she looks like the one of the wayans brothers in any one of those movies where they wear a wig and a dress and act sassy. Especially from this angle.

"You've been Photoshopping that ass for hours, dude. Give it up."

"Not until it proves my minor celebrity internet nemesis is a fag!"


You should do more bits like that.

Cmon now, anthony is not a celebrity

Does this kind of life look interesting to you? Night after night, dinners with Herb Cohen. Thrill-packed, fun-filled evenings on the French Riviera at the MIDEM convention. A big tie, the whole bit. Watch Mutt eat, and Leon feed the geese. One thousand green business cards, with your name and the wrong address. Plus six royalty statements, inspected and customized by ran toon tan han toon frammet and dee. Followed by twelve potential suicides as the members of your group, past and present, find out they can't collect unemployment. A dog, a car, an epidemic of body lice with your own record company, your name on the door, electric buzzer to the inner office, Ona's tits, and a three month supply of German bookings with tickets on Air Rangoon. Does this kind of life look interesting to you? As a big rock and roll guitar player in a comedy group?

Damn bro cool it with all the references youre owning him too hard

rihanna is ugly as fuck and this picture does nothing to alter that truth

That’s the faggotry talking

I thought it was the fivehead and pig nose

I would have an orgasm marathon inside her pussy
