I honestly have not heard Louis' new set

1  2019-01-03 by Kim_Jung_pUn


I dunno, man. On one hand, he put me on his show. But I heard he really tried to motherfuck Pete. It's a tough one.

That would mean you're actually paying attention to relevant culture that, if you'd consume, would mean you could make your show better. Who wants to do that. Keep getting pegged by the 'women' you frequent with instead. That's all that matters.

Nah if he heard Louis' set he would be up on stage next week talking about how Columbine survivors are nobodies and how asian trannies have really tiny cocks.

The back of his skull may genuinely be housing a giant and growing tumor that fuels his perverted sex drive. He shaves his head to flaunt it because he gets off on humiliation.

I actually get it. Remember Jimmy is afraid he might get influenced and accidentally write a good bit.

It would crush Jimmy that Louis is still hilarious and that he’ll eventually be back on top. Meanwhile he backstabbed Louis and got nothing out of it.

This guy claims to avoid consuming any form of standup, yet he still somehow managed to steal a Norm MacDonald bit, word-for-word, in his most recent special.