So is it too late to tell them that Louie is a mexican that speaks Spanish and came from Mexico?

1  2019-01-03 by ElChilde

“Why do you keep limping yourself in spick?!” -Patrice O’Neal


The episode where Louise reveals this is fucking hilarious with Patrice telling both Tranth and CK that their hair has texture that he described as “niggery”

Is that when Patrice calls them out as gay?

I remember during the K-Rock phase, Louie kept saying nigger on one show and they kept dumping out of it until he told them he was Mexican during the break and then it was okay.


I told a Pakistani feminist this after she rantedabout Louies white privilege. Her reply was that he looks white

It’s amazing that she feels she has the right to discount his entire Hispanic heritage (and, for a good portion of his childhood, his cultural upbringing) because SHE feels he doesn’t look Mexican enough for her. Now, that’s some real racism right there

They call us colonisers and land stealers but the minute you call them street shitter, rapists and pedos , they say you’re racist