The fag who said he uploaded the Louis CK video has some more bullshit to say.

1  2019-01-02 by RocketeerJones

If this loser is among us, come forth.



Stop trying to be a celebrity, faggot. At least show your face so we can make fun of it.

No way could you make fun of this guy:


I hope he gets wasted and falls through that glass door. What a fucking dildo.

I'll post it again... this is the guy who recorded and uploaded the set:

He post here and he's a Proud Boy. Oh, and he doesn't like Opie.

Fucking yuck

U/Max_Cherry comment?

Nice amount of underscores, Bjarne Stroustrup.

That faggot just deleted most of his history. Did anyone archive or screenshot? What a pussy.

Wrong u/Max__Cherry, faggot.

And he admits he's the one who was practically heckling with that retarded, distracting laugh. Of course he wears Fred Perry shirts and sucks off his bros.

You fags have made a lot of assumptions about me based on nothing. this all started bc some guys on r/louisck wanted to hear a recent set. I happened to record the set to test my new phone out. I hadn't recorded anything with it yet. I didn't have any intention of it going anywhere. if anything the guy on YouTube should be blamed. the bootleg was up for 2 weeks before it blew up. To anyone bitching about my laughing or whatever the fuck, I guess you cunts stay silent at a comedy show. It's funny how people think I intended for people to hear it so I laughed on purpose or whatever. it's not like I tried benefitting from this or namefagging in any way.

also I legitimately do not know what fred Perry shirts are.

It wasn't just "laughing", you were like Kramer's girlfriend and Kramer on Seinfeld going WAY OVERBOARD with your laughter to the point where it's heckling because you're drawing too much attention to yourself and distracting from the guy on stage. You still shared a bootlegged set and hopefully you're embarrassed for sounding like a retard and respected comedians like Stanhope hate your guts for bootlegging.

I dont give a fuck if Stanhope hates me. Also, idk what idea you have in your head but I can assure you that nobody noticed me whatsoever at the show. I wasn't some kind of spectacle. Didn't have a single person look at me. Not sure how many comedy shows you've been to but people tend to be paying attention to the stage

You not only are laughing like a retarded hyena, you also yell shit out multiple times AT THE COMEDIAN. You say some shit like ‘you’re a great guy louuiiisss’ when he says he won’t fuck kids, you yell out ‘COS HES RETARDED HAHAHA’ before Louis can even deliver his punchline of the joke (which what you yelling out was). What kind of mouth breathing faggot yells out in the middle of jokes at a comedy show and thinks they’ve done nothing wrong? No one in that club is there to hear you, yet there you are cackling louder than anyone else, screaming shit out, you are just the worst. Seeing you on here defending your faggot behaviour is just the icing on the cake. You’re the exact type to do that shit though and think you’ve done nothing wrong. Probs sub 100 iq, fucking moron.

Its amazing what kind of faggots you are to try and shame me. Fuck yourself cunts, I dont care what you think of me. I honestly find this shit funny

That's the point. I leave the house and interact with the public to know not to behave like a sperged out imbecile when it's not welcome or encouraged.

We are doing you a service, now you know you are a twat, get your shit together and learn some respect. You do not belong at a comedy club with that behaviour, you are watching a show, you are not a part of the show, you are a nobody.

Thank you random cunt on Reddit for telling me how it is. As if I thought I was a part of the show or I even intended to get it leaked to the media. Amazing how you're crying but you definitely listened to the fucking show. Fuck yourself you ungrateful piece of shit.

You are a legend for uploading it, that’s true. You’re just a bit of a cunt at shows

I had a good time and so did everyone else around me.

The only thing legendary about him is how he somehow is more hateable than anyone even loosely involved in this story. If he hadn't recorded this work in progress set we'd have probably gotten a much better version sooner but now we won't because of the cackler.

You’re so shit at writing, fucktard. Learn how to construct a coherent, flowing sentence, faggot.

So you're new thing is to just follow my account around? You're gay and bad at this and I wrote that wasted at 5 AM last night. Learn to make a post that you're excited about that doesn't get downvoted and called gay immediately.

I disagree, you’re a faggot


Yep, definitely Huge faggot

Says the guy following me around trying to get the last word in because you got embarrassed on reddit. You're insanely gay. I said this in your thread. Everyone agreed.

Lol I think you think that a bunch of losers on the O and A subreddit constitutes “everyone”

That’s pretty sad bro.

You are redefining sad right now. You have one of the most embarrassing profiles I've ever seen and you're just making it worse.

Lol you suck big cocks, fag features!

Oh yeah? Well you're gay

lol go lick a donkey’s dirty asshole you massive faggot

lol you're a gay oof machine that sounds retarded

Lol you’re so gay you gave Charlie Sheen AIDS just by thinking about him. Lucky for you he’s a drug addict who mistakenly believes he got it from a tranny hooker.

I bet you think that was funny. Go make a meme about your great joke.

lol you’re such a friendless faggot you keep saying things like “oof machine” in a pathetic attempt to fit in with the O and A subreddit because you imagine they’re your friends even though you’ve never met them IRL and they all think you’re a mega faggot. You spend 24 hours a day attempting to impress these strangers and you never get anything back because you’re a fucking loser and a colossal homo and you should either get a job and a life or kill yourself lol lol lol

You've spent more effort trying to impress these people than me... you are an oof machine that's just what you are dude. That and gay. Type more essays to me while I live in your head rent free faggot lol. I post very short comments. You make memes crediting people here like you're some creative person revealing your work lol.

Lol I don’t give a fuck about the O and A subreddit losers and I never have faggot 😄 You’re the one who has heavily invested your self esteem in trying to impress these fags, that’s why you posted what you believed was you pwning me, but then you got pwned, by reality, because you’re a faggot. You know it and I know it. Stop fighting the truth faggot 😄 you’re an unfunny friendless faggot who repeats what everyone else says and has no original thoughts of your own, a spineless drone

...and a humongous faggot

Thanks writing more essays about me like I told you to retard. I know you don't care about the sub reddit. After you bombed you solely log into this website to try to unleash your autistic rage and embarrassment on me because I was upvoted and you were downvoted but you're pretending to not care lmao.

Lol no I really don’t care, why would my entire life and self esteem revolve around being upvoted or downvoted on the O and A subreddit? I think you are confusing me with you. Deep down you know I am speaking the truth and that’s why you keep replying, because your battle is not against me but truth itself.

Holy shit you're gay and obviously working your issues by obsessively replying to me but acting like you don't care. You're a disturbingly gay faggot. Type more essays bitch boy.

Holy shit you're gay and obviously working your issues by obsessively replying to me but acting like you don't care. You're a disturbingly gay faggot. Type more essays bitch boy.



You don't strike me as someone who is very self aware given your ineffective defense of yourself and your actions. I doubt you notice, or care, how much you annoy people.

I bet you're very self aware and a picture perfect guy. Everyone must love you.

I know how not to sound like a disrespectful, retarded frat boy who's been doing keg stands and Jager bombs all night and thinks he's the life of the party in the audience at a comedy show.

Yeah you're right. I was walking around giving fist bumps all night and asked everyone where the after party was.

Nobody fist-bumped you. You were left hanging and ignored.

You're a dumb fuck. If you really think I was trying to be the life if the party by laughing and making an occasional comment, then you're just retarded bro. If you see me or someone else who offends you so much at a comedy show then say something. Trust me, people will think you are the one being an asshole.

Jesus Christ you're an oblivious dummy.

I happened to record the set to test my new phone out.

Nana testing out her new camera on scaffolding is more believable.

"You were left hanging and ignored" made me laugh way harder then it should have lol

rEsPeCt ThE cOmEdIaN!

I'm fucking paying a guy to watch him say dumb shit for an hour. What kind of respect do you want me to give?

"That was quite humorous Louis. If I wasnt such a an uptight cunt I may have laughed."

Again you miss the point. Nobody said not to laugh. You admitted yourself this isn't the first time you've been told your laugh is obnoxious. Now you're telling us you were offended by Louie's set with your "dumb shit" comment. So you uploaded it online hoping Louie would get backlash.

Lmao why would you think I was offended? And I'm the dumb ass? I just said dumb shit because it's not like I learned anything or got any major insight out of it. It's a guy talking. Wtf are you talking about with me being offended? You really must be some kind of autist dude.

"LMAO dude!!" Grow up, you fucking bong resin clogged slackjaw.

You're fucking retarded. Get raped with a rusty knife and tell someone else about it.

You don't fucking say anything you autistic moron. Shut the fuck up and watch the show.

Oh no. I've upset you. I'll try harder to think about you at the next comedy show I go to

Well think silently you stupid faggot

How about not tell shit out the whole time and laugh like a human.

You aren't paying him you delusional faggot 😂

Hey Louis how'd you spend that $20 + 2 drinks and an appetizer I gave you?

Okay so it was free then

I'm far from embarrassed

It's hilarious to me that you think you can decide how much laughter is going overboard. Leave your house once in awhile and you'll see that not everyone is asking for your approval before they do things.

You tripping? You sounded like such a fucking faggot, I'm being dead serious.

to test my phone

People who test their phone's recording abilities usually just say "testing testing" then play it back and delete the recording, they don't try to make a near-CD quality 45 minute recording with commentary.

I mean...I was drunk and it seemed like a good idea. Did you not listen to it and enjoy it?

No I enjoyed it aside from your commentary. Thanks for your service still.

So? Frats for grown men are lame not nazi

oh my word. it look like im worong. all those downvotes must mean the proud boys are nazis. fuck all you

I'm gonna assume "Max Cherry" is some kind of euphemism for being a virgin in your late 30s?

It's the name of Robert Forester's character from Jackie Brown iirc.

nah I'm not a proud boy at all

Just a retarded faggot.

Yup. My IQ is so low that I cant even feed myself. My mommy feeds me via the airplane, sometimes the choo choo.

And not funny.

Sorry. Next time I'll entertain you, because that's my goal in life.

How about you kill yourself. That would entertain me, faggot.

Nah I'm ok. I think maybe you fags always want drama on here because your real lives suck. I'm very satisfied with not being dead, thanks.,

Nah I'm ok. I think maybe you fags always want drama on here because your real lives suck. I'm very satisfied with not being dead, thanks.,

I’m not the one bootlegging shit you stupid fuck. Your life is obviously terrible. You’re the equivalent of the scumbags selling t-shirts and hoodies at the Meadowlands before Giants games, but actually much worse and far more embarrassing. I hope this has taught you a lesson, you’ve exposed how stupid you are to the world and it’s going to take a long time to shake this stigma. I predict your suicide within the year.

Ok keep those predictions coming cunt

I deleted my prediction because your life is such shit it actually might be true and I don’t want to get blamed.

Very edgy

Are you really a proud boy?

That sounds like the kind of thing a gay pedophile would say......

Funny stuff


Very edgy


Nice donkey braying, stupid.

The ny gnats

  1. Alas, such is life.
  2. Happy new year, and all that jazz.
  3. Peace out.

What a fucking douchebag.

What a fag

Ya boi Zan?!

I put his videos through my voice recognition program. It's him. FACT!

Nobody fist-bumped you. You were left hanging and ignored.

Jesus Christ you're an oblivious dummy.

Lmao why would you think I was offended? And I'm the dumb ass? I just said dumb shit because it's not like I learned anything or got any major insight out of it. It's a guy talking. Wtf are you talking about with me being offended? You really must be some kind of autist dude.

Very edgy

Well think silently you stupid faggot

Funny stuff

Holy shit you're gay and obviously working your issues by obsessively replying to me but acting like you don't care. You're a disturbingly gay faggot. Type more essays bitch boy.